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ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk node_modules_next_dist_client_dev_noop_js failed

Delete the .next folder at the root of your project, relaunch your project, and force-refresh your page (Shift+F5 / Cmd+Shift+R) to remove the cache.

It apparently is a cache issue. After browsing through GH Issues & various blog posts, my conclusion is that nobody knows what the heck is going on with this webpack-related error, probably caused by Next.js's behavior.

I had this error after removing files from the /public folder.

How I fixed it:

  1. Remove your /.next folder.
  2. Launch your project again.
  3. Force refresh in you browser to delete the cache.

In my case i had my next.js build directory with a different name as hosted with firebase cloud functions. Follow these similar steps

  1. Delete your build (distDir) directory (mine was called nextjs)
  2. Restart the server
  3. Force Refresh the browser

I solved using this:

  1. Deleting the .next folder
  2. Restart the server