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Chromium/Chrome headless - file download not working?

I downloaded the latest version of chromium, to test out the headless feature.

When I run (as root, because I'm still testing things):

./chrome --no-sandbox http://cp7.awardspace.com/speed-test/awardspace-data1mb.zip

In the GUI terminal, it opens Chromium and downloads the file.

If I'm trying to run it headless, I enter the following:

./chrome --no-sandbox --headless http://cp7.awardspace.com/speed-test/awardspace-data1mb.zip

The terminal outputs some information, no window gets opened, but also: I don't have the file downloaded anywhere.

I have been scouting the internet and discussion groups for more information, but cannot find anything.

Is file downloading not working in headless mode for Chromium?

like image 658
Taapo Avatar asked Feb 26 '17 16:02


People also ask

Does Chromium support headless?

Headless Chromium allows running Chromium in a headless/server environment. Expected use cases include loading web pages, extracting metadata (e.g., the DOM) and generating bitmaps from page contents -- using all the modern web platform features provided by Chromium and Blink.

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How to run Chrome in headless mode. In order to run your tests in headless mode, you will need to use the ChromeOptions as follows. ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); options. addArguments("--headless");

Can headless Chrome be detected?

Nonetheless, instrumenting Headless Chrome with a framework such as Puppeteer will still leave traces that make it possible to detect it as a non-human user.

1 Answers

That's a reported bug in headless implementation: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=696481

like image 180
Bartosz Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 03:10
