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Chromecast receiver application cannot play widevine drm protected content from Android sender application

I'm using receiver application from Expressplay's site for chromecast. https://www.expressplay.com/developer/test-apps/#ccplayer.

I've tested it from the browser by passing license URL along with the widevine stream path. It played the video, means that the receiver is working fine.

The problem appears when I try to play content from an android sender application. I'm passing the license URL in a json object.

My android sender code is as follows.

private MediaInfo buildMediaInfo() {
    MediaMetadata movieMetadata = new MediaMetadata(MediaMetadata.MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE);
    movieMetadata.putString(MediaMetadata.KEY_SUBTITLE, "Subtitle");
    movieMetadata.putString(MediaMetadata.KEY_TITLE, "Title");
    jsonObj = new JSONObject();
    }catch (JSONException e){
        Log.e(null,"Failed to add description to the json object", e);
    return new MediaInfo.Builder("stream path.mpd")

I'm guessing that the problem maybe with recevier's code for the case of playing from android in setting the licenseUrl.

My receiver code setting license URL is as following.

if (event.data.customData && event.data.customData.licenseUrl) {
                    console.log('setting license URL');
                    host.licenseUrl = event.data.customData.licenseUrl;

event.data.customData.licenseUrl license URL is not getting set in case of android.

  • Result while playing from android sender is Black screen.

  • When playing from browser sender is plays the video.

  • CORS is enabled on the S3 server which is hosting the video contents.

Can Anyone tell what am I doing wrong?

Does the JSON object passed from android not setting license URL ? If yes then how to resolve it?

Thank you in advance for your kind interest and worthy time to my problem. :)

like image 760
Ibrahim Iqbal Avatar asked Aug 03 '17 06:08

Ibrahim Iqbal

1 Answers

I figured out that in my Receiver app event.data.customData was undefined while connecting from android sender application.

So I used event.data.media.customData

And accessed the key as follow:

if(event.data.media.customData['licenseUrl'] !== null){
                    console.log('setting license URL from mobile');
                    host.licenseUrl = event.data.media.customData.licenseUrl;

That was it! :)

like image 193
Ibrahim Iqbal Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09

Ibrahim Iqbal