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Chrome with CSP img-src * still blocks images

My webapp has a Content Security Policy that sets img-src to * (load images from anywhere), yet Chrome still blocks some images from loading...

Refused to load the image '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src *". lg @ js?libraries=places,geometry&v=3&callback=async_req_1:84(anonymous function) @ js?libraries=places,geometry&v=3&callback=async_req_1:119google.maps.Load @ js?libraries=places,geometry&v=3&callback=async_req_1:21(anonymous function) @ js?libraries=places,geometry&v=3&callback=async_req_1:118(anonymous function) @ js?libraries=places,geometry&v=3&callback=async_req_1:119

If I include 'data:' in the directive, the error is not shown in the console.

img-src * data:;

However, that is not a valid directive. Is there an img-src valid CSP value that would satisfy Chrome or is this a Chrome bug perhaps? I was not able to find any direct matches in the accessible bug list. I'm speculating this might be related to images embedded in SVG files. Firefox and Safari do not exhibit this behavior.

like image 555
jmelvin Avatar asked Dec 04 '15 19:12


1 Answers

content-security-policy.com is wrong. See w3.org/TR/CSP2/#source-list-guid-matching.

As defined above, special URL schemes that refer to specific pieces of unique content, such as "data:", "blob:" and "filesystem:" are excluded from matching a policy of * and must be explicitly listed.

* also does not include 'unsafe-inline' or 'unsafe-eval' either.

like image 122
oreoshake Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 15:10
