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Chrome: Will an error in code invoked from the dev console trigger window.onerror?

I'm trying to debug our handling of window.onerror. I've created a function that will throw an error (invoking another function that does not exist). I've tried calling this first function from Chrome's web development console - an error is reported in the console, but our window.error handling function does not seem to be called. (I've verified that window.onerror references our error handling code in the console).

Do errors within functions invoked in the dev console not trigger window.onerror?

like image 595
UpTheCreek Avatar asked Jul 08 '13 19:07


People also ask

What triggers window Onerror?

onerror is not triggered when the console directly generates an error. It can be triggered via setTimeout though, e.g., setTimeout(function() { notThere(); }, 0); Possible duplicate: Chrome: Will an error in code invoked from the dev console trigger window.

What is window Onerror?

Introduction. onerror is a DOM event handler. It is started when an error occurs during object loading. While window. onerror is an event handler, there is no error event being fired: instead, when there is an uncaught exception or compile-time error, the window.

1 Answers

They don't (in Chrome where I tested), easy way to test is

window.onerror = function () {console.log('error!');}; throw new Error(); // Error 

You can make them do it if you defer them, though

window.setTimeout(function() {throw new Error()}, 0); // error! // Uncaught Error 
like image 193
Paul S. Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09

Paul S.