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Chrome not displaying images though assets are being delivered to browser

I am having an issue only with Chrome (so far that I can tell). On this website: www.elliott-web.com the homepage displays a random image on load. After several reloads I get no image showing up, but when checking the http requests I see the image is there. Similarly, on the portfolio page if you click forward and backward through the images, eventually an image will no longer show up. Again, looks like the image is there but it's not being displayed. Thought maybe it has to do w/ Chrome's caching? I don't think it's webkit because I'm not having this problem in Safari.

Anyone else seen this before?

like image 850
Elliott Avatar asked Feb 05 '11 16:02


People also ask

Why is Google Chrome not displaying images?

Chrome could've stopped loading images because of corrupted files in its data folder. The easiest fix is to rename the current data folder so that Chrome will create a new one. If you're using Windows 10, Press Windows key + R to bring up a Run dialog. Type %appdata% and press Enter.

Why images are not showing in browser?

Possible causes. The web page is not pointing to the correct URL (location) of the image. The server or computer hosting the image has moved or removed the image, and the web page has not yet been updated. The web page or computer hosting the image is getting too many requests and can't send you the image.

How do I fix pictures not previewing in Chrome?

Just open Settings and select Extensions. In the new page, click the button beside the extensions to disable them, showing in the following picture. In the Chrome setting panel, navigate to Advanced --> Privacy and security --> Site Settings --> Images. Make sure that Show all option has been turned on.

1 Answers

I too was having the exact same issue, it also does this in Safari (Mac). In Firefox the images display and the inline CSS is not added.

What I noticed was when I turned off all extensions in Safari that the problem resolved.

In both Chrome and Safari I had AdBlockPlus installed - disabling this resolved the problem.

ABP was treating the images as ads (for whatever reason).

If you wish to keep ABP running, you can add the site to it's whitelist.

like image 90
Richard Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 09:10
