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Chrome error: "Inspected target disconnected. Once it reloads we will attach to it automatically."

I receive a Chrome (43.0.2357.124) "Aw, snap!" error that renders "Inspected target disconnected. Once it reloads we will attach to it automatically." in the developer console.

Without being too specific to my project and trying to make the question more generally applicable, it appears to occur occur during a Promise that features a ~5 second delay.

This function (can be seen in context on the repo https://github.com/mitTransportAnalyst/CoAXs/blob/master/public/scripts/main/services/analystService.js#L35-L44) performs fine on Firefox 38.0.5. It is receiving a large GeoJSON array - perhaps that could somehow be related to the issue, though I do not know for sure.

At this point, any advice on next steps for how to debug this would be appreciated, even googling this specific issue doesn't come up with any results (5 irrelevant results as of Wed 6:00, June 17: https://www.google.com/search?sclient=psy-ab&biw=1280&bih=678&q=%22inspected%20target%20disconnected%22%20chrome&oq=%22inspected%20target%20disconnected%22%20chrome&gs_l=serp.3...805885.806603.1.806844.

Added this as a comment but interested to see if anyone knows why this happened:

Issue ended up being related to the delayed receipt of > 3 MB files (assembled piecemeal). There is some (limited) documentation of this error occurring here code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3968 (the results of which are, unfortunately, inconclusive). Ended up working with the data provider and reducing file size substantially, which resolved the issue. Curiously - if anyone can posit as to why this was occurring - console.loging where data was concatenated seemed to avoid the issue. If this didn't occur, the tab would suddenly exceed ~1.3GB and crash.

You can see link to point where I was console.loging here: https://github.com/mitTransportAnalyst/CoAXs/blob/master/public/scripts/analyst.js#L10343

like image 463
kuanb Avatar asked Jun 17 '15 22:06


1 Answers

Turn off your extensions. I had a Knockoutjs context debugger plugin and it caused the very same behaviour with the same version of Chrome.

like image 116
Anders Nygaard Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 05:11

Anders Nygaard