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Chrome Devs tools - where's size and content?

According to Chrome Dev Tools - "Size" vs "Content", I should be able to see Size (bytes on the wire) and Content (uncompressed size).

I remember seeing this at one time.

But now (Chrome 38), I only see one measurement, and I'm not sure which one it is.

enter image description here

Can I see the compressed and uncompressed sizes with the Chrome Dev Tools?

like image 989
Paul Draper Avatar asked Oct 18 '14 22:10

Paul Draper

People also ask

How do I see file size in Chrome?

Open Developer tools ( Ctrl + Shift + I or Settings Icon at the top-right of your browser window => Tools => Developer tools ) on the needed page, switch to the Network tab and reload page. In the Size column you'll see the size of everything loaded (Documents, Stylesheets, Images, Scripts, ...).

How do I change the developer tools size in Chrome?

Open Chrome Developer Tools. Click the Toggle Device Mode option near top left of the developer tools section. Choose Responsive from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen. Edit the dimensions, which are also at the top of screen, right next to the dropdown.

How do I find HTTP request size in Chrome?

go to the network tab and right click the first item and click copy as cURL (this is how you will get the header size. Then go to terminal and do your curl command curl ... -w '%{size_request} %{size_upload}' which will print out the request size at the end.

1 Answers

You should press "Use large resource rows." to see more data.

enter image description here

like image 123
Eugene Kliuchnikov Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10

Eugene Kliuchnikov