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Chrome Developer Tools / debugger: "pretty print" does not work

The "pretty print" button, located in the lower left corner of the Chrome Developer Tools window, is supposed to make minified code readable. However, when I click it, nothing happens. I tried both single and double-clicks. This happes on Chrome 32 on Windows.

How do I make the pretty-print button work?

like image 613
Helge Klein Avatar asked Jan 29 '14 23:01

Helge Klein

People also ask

How do I enable pretty print in developer tools?

Yes! This has become available: In Dev Tools: ⋮ > Settings ( F1 ) > Experiments > Automatically pretty print in the Sources Panel .

How do I enable pretty print in Chrome?

If it's the Sources panel, you can manually enable or disable pretty-printing by clicking Format. In general, if you see that icon anywhere, clicking it will enable or disable pretty-printing.

2 Answers

I just stumbled upon this problem and, while Pretty-print doesn't do anything for me, I make it work by clicking the curly braces icon {} in the left bottom corner on the status bar. This suggestion came from Learn more button next to Pretty-print.

enter image description here

like image 80
iamkirill Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10


As I found out the hard way (by trial and error) the "pretty print" button is only functional when the console is visible. That means it does not work here:

enter image description here

But it does work here (console visible):

enter image description here

like image 36
Helge Klein Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10

Helge Klein