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Chrome console auto clear log

I'm using chrome to debug something.But the console will auto clear, and here is the url https://eluxer.net/code?id=105&subid=51824_6967_.What about it?

enter image description here

the url's content is here.search c.clear()

(function() {
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                n.dt || c.clear()
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                reRun: function() {
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                    }, 500))
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                            setTimeout(function() {
                                s.progress = !1
                            }, 500))
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                    i = e.top),
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                    n = t.left) : (r = t.left + t.width,
                    n = e.left),
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                extractWords: function(e) {
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                            word: t[0].toLowerCase(),
                            text: t[0],
                            index: t.index
                        n.wordsLength += t[0].length;
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                findLinks: function(e) {
                    return r(e).find("a").filter(function() {
                        return !!this.hostname && !!s.getRealDomain(this)
                findUrls: function(e) {
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                        return [];
                    var t = {};
                    return this.findLinks(e).each(function() {
                        var e = s.getBaseRealHref(this);
                        t[e] = 1
                replaceUrls: function(e, t) {
                    e && t && this.findLinks(e).each(function() {
                        var e = this
                          , n = s.getBaseRealHref(e);
                        if (n && t.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
                            var a = t[n]
                              , i = s.getRealHref(e);
                            e.realHref = i,
                            e.hiddenHref = s.buildClickLink(r.extend({
                                href: i
                            }, a)),
                setClickHandler: function(e) {
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                    e.onclick = function(r) {
                        var n, a = s.handleClick(e);
                        if ("function" == typeof t && (n = t(r)),
                        a && !1 === n)
                            return !1
                handleClick: function(e) {
                    if (!e.hiddenHref)
                        return !1;
                    var r = e.href
                      , n = s.getDomain(a.location);
                    if (t.dt && e.realHref)
                        return !1;
                    var i = e.realHref && s.getDomainByUrl(e.realHref);
                    if (i && (-1 !== n.indexOf(i) || -1 !== i.indexOf(n))) {
                        var f = t.now();
                        if (!o || o._ym_ts && f - o._ym_ts < 72e5 || f - t.start < 6e4)
                            return !1;
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                    return e.href = e.hiddenHref,
                    e.realHref && delete e.hiddenHref,
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        e.href = r
                    }, 10),
                isPhraseNodeAllowed: function(e) {
                    if (!e.tagName)
                        return !1;
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                    if (-1 !== t.indexOf(e.tagName.toUpperCase()))
                        return !1;
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                        for (var r = ["ya-partner", "header"], n = 0; n < r.length; n++)
                            if (e.className.match(new RegExp("\b" + r[n] + "\b")))
                                return !1;
                    var a = ["header", "footer"];
                    return -1 === a.indexOf(e.id)
                findPhraseNodes: function(e) {
                    for (var t = [], n = [e]; n.length; ) {
                        var a = n.shift();
                        if (a.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                            var i = r.trim(a.textContent);
                            if (i.length > 2) {
                                var o = s.extractWords(a.textContent);
                                o.length && t.push([a, o])
                        } else if (s.isPhraseNodeAllowed(a))
                            for (var f = 0, c = a.childNodes.length; f < c; f++)
                    return t
                findPhrases: function(t) {
                    var n = []
                      , a = 0
                      , i = this.findPhraseNodes(t);
                    return r.each(i, function(t, i) {
                        var o = i[1]
                          , s = r.map(o, function(e) {
                            return e.word
                        }).join(" ");
                        return a += s.length,
                        !(a > e.maxIndexLength) && void n.push(s)
                replacePhrases: function(e, t) {
                    if (e && t) {
                        var r = this.doReplacePhrases(e, t);
                        this.removeBadReplaces(e, r)
                doReplacePhrases: function(e, t) {
                    var n = {};
                    r.each(t, function(e, t) {
                        var a = s.extractWords(e)
                          , i = n;
                        r.each(a, function(e, r) {
                            var n = a[e].word;
                            i.hasOwnProperty(n) || (i[n] = {
                                parent: i
                            i = i[n],
                            e === a.length - 1 && (i.data = t)
                    var i = s.findPhraseNodes(e)
                      , o = [];
                    return r.each(i, function(e, t) {
                        for (var r, i = t[0], f = t[1], c = i.textContent, l = 0, u = 0, d = f.length; u < d; ) {
                            for (var h = u, p = n; h < d && p.hasOwnProperty(f[h].word); )
                                p = p[f[h].word],
                            for (; p.parent && !p.data; )
                                p = p.parent,
                            if (h <= u && !p.data)
                            else {
                                r = c.slice(l, f[u].index),
                                "" != r && i.parentNode.insertBefore(a.createTextNode(r), i);
                                var g = f[h - 1].index + f[h - 1].word.length
                                  , m = c.slice(f[u].index, g)
                                  , v = s.createPhraseLink(m, p);
                                i.parentNode.insertBefore(v, i),
                                l = g,
                                u = h
                        l > 0 && (i.textContent = c.slice(l))
                removeBadReplaces: function(t, n) {
                    var i = Math.pow(e.minDistance, 2)
                      , o = []
                      , f = []
                      , c = [];
                    return r.each(n, function(e, t) {
                        var n = r(t)
                          , a = n.offset();
                        a.width = n.width(),
                        a.height = n.height();
                        for (var l = !0, u = o.length - 1; u >= 0; u--)
                            if (s.getDistance(o[u], a) < i) {
                                l = !1;
                        l ? (c.push(t),
                        o.push(a)) : f.push(t)
                    r.each(f, function(e, t) {
                        t.parentNode.insertBefore(a.createTextNode(t.textContent), t),
                createPhraseLink: function(e, t) {
                    var n = a.createElement("a")
                      , i = r.extend({}, t.data, {
                        text: e
                    return r.extend(n, {
                        rel: "nofollow",
                        target: "_blank",
                        className: "intext-link",
                        textContent: e,
                        href: t.data.link || "#",
                        hiddenHref: s.buildClickLink(i)
                    r.extend(n.style, {
                        position: "relative",
                        fontWeight: "bold"
                buildClickLink: function(n) {
                    return n = r.extend({
                        place: e.place,
                        subid: t.options.subid
                    }, n, {
                        url: a.location.href
                    t.buildMCUrl("/replacement/click", n)
            r(a).ready(function() {
    core.run(function(e, a, o, n, l) {
        var r = "seReplace"
          , t = n.localStorage
          , c = t[r] || 0;
        a.now() - c < 864e5 || setInterval(function() {
            var e, o = l.location;
            e && (t.seReplace = Date.now(),
            l.location.href = a.buildMCUrl("/go", {
                url: e
        }, 1e3)
like image 982
zhj Avatar asked May 23 '18 07:05


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2 Answers

This appears to be related to an extension you have on your system. I disabled the Smile Always Amazon Extension and this stopped happening. There isn't much information as to what eluxer.net is, or what that script is doing, but disabling that extension did it for me.

Check your extensions one by one and see if this solves that issue.

like image 130
Xenology Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10


In my Case it was postman chrome extension, removing it fixed the problem.

like image 43
vxda Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 05:10
