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choroplethr: Plotting MSA-level maps?

My question relates to plotting a whole U.S. map on MSA level via choroplethr and choroplethrZip.

In the example below, we plot 1) Census population information on a U.S. map on county level and 2) a zoomed map of a selected Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) level.

Example R code:





# U.S. County Population Data
county_choropleth(df_pop_county, legend = "Population")

# NY-NJ-PA MSA Population Data
               msa_zoom = "New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA",
               title    = "2012 NY-Newark-Jersey City MSA\nZCTA Population Estimates",
               legend   = "Population")

Instead of only a zoom into a specific MSA, can we also plot a whole MSA-level U.S. map? An approach like

zip_choropleth(df_pop_zip, legend = "Population")

did not work, and would also likely plot the ZCTA regions, not MSA regions.

Thank you!

like image 311
Christopher Avatar asked Sep 03 '18 13:09


1 Answers

You can use the state_zoom argument to zip_choropleth. But as noted in the package documents there is no MSA-based choropleth. An example of how this looks:

states <- unique( zip.regions$state.name) 
lower48 <- states[ ! states %in% c('alaska','hawaii') ]

               state_zoom = lower48  ,
               title    = "2012 MSA\nZCTA Population Estimates",
               legend   = "Population")

R plot of US population

It looks mostly grey because the ZCTA borders are rendered in grey and they are dense at this scale. If you run the code and look at a higher resolution you can see more of the fill.

An alternative I'd recommend for your task is the tidycensus package. See the code snippet below which I believe creates a map similar to what you're interested in. I select only a few states to clarify the visual, and plot at the county level. I also only plot the top 85 percent of MSAs by total population. This eliminates Danville Virginia for example.

# adapted from https://walkerke.github.io/2017/06/comparing-metros/
options(tigris_class = "sf")
options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)
# census_api_key("YOUR KEY HERE")

acs_var <- 'B01003_001E'
tot <- get_acs(geography = "county", variables = acs_var, state=c("PA", "VA", "DC","MD"),
                 geometry = TRUE)


metros <- core_based_statistical_areas(cb = TRUE) %>%
  select(metro_name = NAME)

wc_tot <- st_join(tot, metros, join = st_within, 
                   left = FALSE) 

pct85 <-  wc_tot %>% group_by(metro_name) %>% 
  summarise(tot_pop=sum(estimate)) %>% summarise(pct85 =  quantile(tot_pop, c(0.85)))
pct85_msas = wc_tot %>% group_by(metro_name) %>% 
  summarise(tot_pop=sum(estimate)) %>% filter(tot_pop > pct85$pct85[1])


ggplot(filter(wc_tot, metro_name %in% pct85_msas$metro_name),
       aes(fill = estimate, color = estimate)) + 
  geom_sf() + 
  coord_sf(crs=3857) + 
  #facet_wrap(~metro_name, scales = "free", nrow = 1) + 
  theme_minimal() + 
  theme(aspect.ratio = 1) + 
  scale_fill_viridis() + 

Resulting plot:

enter image description here

The facet line that I've commented out seems to be an area of active devlopment in ggplot. I was getting an error with it, but the source article I mentioned shows how it can be put to good use to display one panel per MSA, which makes a lot of sense. See https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/issues/2651.

like image 86
vpipkt Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 23:10
