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chop unused decimals with javascript

I've got a currency input and need to return only significant digits. The input always has two decimal places, so:

4.00  ->  4
4.10  ->  4.1
4.01  ->  4.01

Here's how I'm currently doing it:

// chop off unnecessary decimals
if (val.charAt(val.length-1) == '0') { // xx.00
    val = val.substr(0, val.length-1);
if (val.charAt(val.length-1) == '0') { // xx.0
    val = val.substr(0, val.length-1);
if (val.charAt(val.length-1) == '.') { // xx.
    val = val.substr(0, val.length-1);

which works, and has a certain directness to it that I kind of like, but maybe there's a prettier way.

I suppose I could use a loop and run through it three times, but that actually seems like it'll be at least as bulky by the time I conditionalize the if statement. Other than that, any ideas? I imagine there's a regex way to do it, too....

like image 464
sprugman Avatar asked Jun 18 '09 21:06


1 Answers

I believe parseFloat() does this.

parseFloat(4.00) // 4
parseFloat(4.10) // 4.1
parseFloat(4.01) // 4.01
like image 163
Ólafur Waage Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 22:10

Ólafur Waage