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Choosing JetBrains IDE for PHP, JavaScript and Python [closed]

I really like jetBrains IDE's, but I'm still confused.

Currently I'm using PHPStorm for PHP / Node.js / frontend JavaScript development, and I think it's best IDE I ever used.

Now I'm starting with Python (Django) and I want the IDE that supports Python, PHP and JavaScript

Should I use 2 separate IDE's (PHPStorm for PHP/JavaScript and PyCharm for Python) or single Intelij IDEA for all of them? I'm also confused about Django plugin for IDEA, is it available for IDEA 13?

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Andrew Surzhynskyi Avatar asked Feb 27 '14 16:02

Andrew Surzhynskyi

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1 Answers

You could easily use PyCharm to develop Django Applications.

I believe it is best to look at JetBrains six product series of IDE as best fitted for separate coding purposes.

IntelliJ - Java and Enterprise technologies support like Java EE, Spring, GWT, Struts, Play, Grails, Hibernate, Google App Engine, OSGi.

PHPStorm - PHP Code Editor, HTML/CSS/JavaScript Editor

PyCharm - Support for modern Frameworks like Django, Flask, Google App Engine, Pyramid, web2py. Covers Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, HTML/CSS, Cython, Template languages and more.

RubyMine - Web Development with all Ruby on Rails framework versions from 2.x to 4.x, Intelligent Ruby Editor with completion, code snippets and automatic refactorings.

WebStorm - JavaScript IDE. HTML5, Node.js, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Dart, EJS, Handlebars, Mustache, Web Components, Stylus, LESS, Sass, Jade, JSLint/JSHint...

AppCode - Objective C IDE, On-the-fly code quality analysis for Objective-C, C, C++, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML and Xpath.

I think main thing here is that often you need say HTML and CSS IDE tools along with Ruby, or Python. That's why there's some duplicate tools in these products. However, each of those are mainly for separate things.

When using IDEs, I used RubyMine for Ruby and PhpStorm for PHP. If you're into Node.js use Intelli J.

Of course, it is possible to use one of them for all purposes, but it's just like using Xcode for developing Rails Applications. This means that you might find yourself in trouble and those tools that would be there for you will be often missing.

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dachi Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10
