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Choose the filename of an uploaded file with Django

I'm uploading images (represented by a FileField) and I need to rename those files when they are uploaded.

I want them to be formated like that:

"%d-%d-%s.%s" % (width, height, md5hash, original_extension)

I've read the documentation but I don't know if I need to write my own FileSystemStorage class or my own FileField class or ... ? Everything is so linked I don't know where to start.

like image 550
knarf Avatar asked Aug 06 '09 08:08


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1 Answers

You don't need to write your own FileStorage class or anything that complicated.

The 'upload_to' parameter on File/ImageFields can take a function that returns the path/file to use.

How to do this has already been answered here

like image 165
arcanum Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09
