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Choice Mode in a RecyclerView?

I'm trying to figure out how to achieve the same effect of


in a RecyclerView implementation. Please help.

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Spike Flail Avatar asked Feb 21 '15 21:02

Spike Flail

People also ask

What are the three mandatory methods of a RecyclerView?

These required methods are as follows: onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView. ViewHolder holder, int position)

2 Answers

There is no built-in support for a "choice mode" structure with RecyclerView. Your options are to either roll it yourself or use a third-party library that offers it. The DynamicRecyclerView library offers choice modes, but I have not tried it.

This sample app demonstrates implementing it yourself, in this case using the activated state to indicate which is the current choice. The overall pattern is:

  • Have your RecyclerView.ViewHolder detect a UI operation that indicates a choice (click on a row? click on a RadioButton in the row? etc.).

  • Keep track of the selection at the level of your RecyclerView.Adapter. In my case, a ChoiceCapableAdapter handles that, in conjunction with a SingleChoiceMode class that implements a ChoiceMode strategy.

  • When a choice is made, update the newly-chosen row to reflect the choice and update the previously-chosen row to reflect that it is no longer chosen. findViewHolderForPosition() on RecyclerView can help here -- if you track the position of the last choice, findViewHolderForPosition() can give you the ViewHolder for that choice, so you can "un-choose" it.

  • Keep track of the choice across configuration changes, by putting it in the saved instance state of the activity or fragment that is managing the RecyclerView.

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CommonsWare Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09


I've created a library for this kind of choice mode applied to the RecyclerView, maybe it can help:


This library has been created to help the integration of a multi-choice selection to the RecyclerView


The integration with Gradle is very easy, you just need the jcenter repository and the library:

repositories {     jcenter() } ...  dependencies {     compile 'com.davidecirillo.multichoicerecyclerview:multichoicerecyclerview:1.0.1' } 

Main steps for usage

Add the MultiChoiceRecyclerView to your xml file

<com.davidecirillo.multichoicesample.MultiChoiceRecyclerView     android:id="@+id/multiChoiceRecyclerView"     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="match_parent" /> 

Instanciate you object and connect the view

MultiChoiceRecyclerView mMultiChoiceRecyclerView = (MultiChoiceRecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.multiChoiceRecyclerView); 

Extend you adapter to the MultiChoiceAdapter and add it to the RecyclerView as per normal usage

public class MyAdapter extends MultiChoiceAdapter<MyViewHolder> {      public MyAdapter(ArrayList<String> stringList, Context context) {         this.mList = stringList;         this.mContext = context;     }      ... }   MyAdapter myAdapter = new MyAdapter(mList, getApplicationContext()); mMultiChoiceRecyclerView.setAdapter(myAdapter); 

For more information and customisations: https://github.com/dvdciri/MultiChoiceRecyclerView

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dvdciri Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09
