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CherryPy - saving checkboxes selection to variables

I'm trying to build a simple webpage with multiple checkboxes, a Textbox and a submit buttom.

I've just bumped into web programing in Python and am trying to figure out out to do it with CherryPy.

I need to associate each checkbox to a variable so my .py file knows which ones were selected when clicking the 'Start button'. Can someone please give some code example ? Do I have any advantage including some Python Javascript Compiler like Pyjamas?

<form action="../remote_targets/ssh_grab.py">
  <label for="goal"><strong>Host Availability:</strong></label>
  <input style="margin-left: 30px;" type="checkbox" name="goal[]" value="cpu" /> CPU idle<br>
  <input style="margin-left: 30px;" type="checkbox" name="goal[]" value="lighttpd" /> Lighttpd Service<br>
  <input style="margin-left: 30px;" type="checkbox" name="goal[]" value="mysql" /> Mysql Service<br>

Thanks !

like image 755
Joao Figueiredo Avatar asked Dec 29 '22 07:12

Joao Figueiredo

1 Answers

Here's a minimal example:

import cherrypy

class Root(object):
    def default(self, **kwargs):
        print kwargs
        return '''<form action="" method="POST">
Host Availability:
<input type="checkbox" name="goal" value="cpu" /> CPU idle
<input type="checkbox" name="goal" value="lighttpd" /> Lighttpd Service
<input type="checkbox" name="goal" value="mysql" /> Mysql Service
<input type="submit">


And here is the terminal output:

$ python stacktest.py 
[10/Sep/2010:14:25:55] HTTP Serving HTTP on
CherryPy Checker:
The Application mounted at '' has an empty config.
Submitted goal argument: None - - [10/Sep/2010:14:26:09] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 276 "" "Mozilla..."
Submitted goal argument: ['cpu', 'mysql'] - - [10/Sep/2010:14:26:15] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 276 "http://localhost:8003/" "Mozilla..."
[10/Sep/2010:14:26:26] ENGINE <Ctrl-C> hit: shutting down app engine
[10/Sep/2010:14:26:26] HTTP HTTP Server shut down
[10/Sep/2010:14:26:26] ENGINE CherryPy shut down

As you can see, CherryPy will collect multiple controls with the same name into a list. You don't need the [] suffix to tell it to do that. Then, iterate over the list to see which values were submitted. (Keep in mind that, if only one item is selected, then the goal argument will be a single string instead of a list!)

like image 150
fumanchu Avatar answered Jan 15 '23 17:01
