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Chef and ruby: how to convert a array into a set



I have an array that looks like this:

nodes = ['server1','server1','server2']

In a chef recipe I need to convert into a set before I pass to a template erb. How do I do that?

like image 897
Tampa Avatar asked Mar 26 '13 23:03


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2 Answers

if you want to make it unique (as a set is unique) but still as an array, you can use |[]

nodes = ['server1','server1','server2']
# or nodes |= [] # for inplace operation

# => ["server1", "server2" ]
like image 187
Kokizzu Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09


This pattern works with Set, Matrix, JSON etc.; it is the first thing to try.

require 'set'
nodes = ['server1','server1','server2']
p nodes.to_set # #<Set: {"server1", "server2"}>
like image 31
steenslag Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09
