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check/uncheck bootstrap checkboxes with jQuery

I've made another post yesterday and had no success with it. I will try now to reorder de idea and to ask again since I can't find the solution for this (I'm a newbie and I'm trying really hard).

The thing is that I'm working with this template based on Bootstrap, and this is the code that I can see directly from one of the files and that I'm using on my project:

html snippet:

<div class="hide" id="states">
  <div class="control-group">                           
    <label class="control-label">Seleccione</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <label class="checkbox span4">
          <input type="checkbox" value="all" id="allstates" name="all"/>Todas

        <label class="checkbox span4">
          <input class="states" type="checkbox" value="Caba" id="" name="st[]"/>Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

        <label class="checkbox span4">
          <input class="states" type="checkbox" value="Buenos Aires" id="" name="st[]"/> Buenos Aires

        <label class="checkbox span4">
          <input class="states" type="checkbox" value="Catamarca" id="" name="st[]"/> Catamarca

After lot of searching I have founded when inspecting it that my code looks like this (snippet):

<div class="controls">
  <label class="checkbox span4">
    <div class="checker" id="uniform-allstates">
        <input type="checkbox" value="all" id="allstates" name="all">

  <label class="checkbox span4">
    <div class="checker">
        <input class="states" type="checkbox" value="Caba" id="" name="st[]">                          
    </div> Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

  <label class="checkbox span4">
    <div class="checker">
        <input class="states" type="checkbox" value="Buenos Aires" id="" name="st[]">                           
    </div> Buenos Aires

  <label class="checkbox span4">
    <div class="checker">
        <input class="states" type="checkbox" value="Catamarca" id="" name="st[]">                             
    </div> Catamarca

As you can see, another div and another span are added (seriously don't know why or how) so I'm guessing now it's some DOM problem the one I'm having.

This is snippet of my js file:

$('#allstates').click(function() {

So this function selects ALL the checkboxes I have (even though the ones that I don't want because they belong to another category).

I want to know why the div and span are added and how to select only the checkboxes that I want.

For that I've been trying code like this but no success:

test 1

$('#allstates').click(function() {
  if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
    $('span input').attr('checked', true);
  } else {
    $('span input').attr('checked', false);


$('#allstates').click(function() {

and so other ones that I erased.

NOTE: No js errors are being displayed when inspecting

like image 452
Limon Avatar asked Aug 05 '14 15:08


2 Answers

Also it is important to add prop to true on selecting checkboxes:

   var check = $(this).prop('checked');
   if(check == true) {
     $('.checkbox').prop('checked', true);
   } else {
     $('.checkbox').prop('checked', false);
like image 54
Mufaddal Saifee Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10

Mufaddal Saifee

Simple bootstrap checkbox

<label><input type="checkbox" value="">Option 1</label>

When debug in Chrome dev tool, label look like https://tinker.press/images/bootstrap-checkbox-label-2017-01-17_084755.png

To toogle checkbox state just set true|false on lable.control.checked

label.control.checked = false; //uncheck
label.control.checked = true; //check

Video demo https://youtu.be/3qEMFd9bcd8

like image 26
Anh Le Hoang Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10

Anh Le Hoang