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Checking whether the current thread owns a lock

Suppose I have the following code:

public class SomeClass()
    private readonly object _lock = new object();

    public void SomeMethodA()
        lock (_lock)

            //do something that requires lock on _lock

    public void SomeMethodB()
        lock (_lock)

            //do something that requires lock on _lock

    private void SomeHelperMethod()
        lock (_lock)
            //do something that requires lock on _lock

Locking inside SomeHelperMethod seems redundant and wasteful, since all callers have already taken a lock. However, simply removing the lock from SomeHelperMethod seems dangerous since we might later refactor the code and forget to lock the _lock object prior to calling SomeHelperMethod.

Ideally I could work around this by asserting that the current thread owns a lock on _lock inside SomeHelperMethod:

private void SomeHelperMethod()

    //do something that requires lock on _lock

But there does not appear to be such a method. Monitor.TryEnter does not help because locks are re-entrant. Therefore, if the current thread already owns the lock, TryEnter will still succeed and return true. The only time it will fail is if another thread owns the lock and the call times out.

So, does such a method exist? If not, why? It does not seem dangerous at all to me, since it merely tells you whether the current thread (not another thread) owns a lock or not.

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Kent Boogaart Avatar asked Jan 30 '09 17:01

Kent Boogaart

People also ask

How do you check if a thread holds a lock or not?

You can check the lock on the particular object by calling wait() or notify() method on that object. If the object does not hold the lock, then it will throw llegalMonitorStateException . 2- By calling holdsLock(Object o) method. This will return the boolean value.

Which method can be used to find whether lock is held by current thread?

Answer. Well the answer is, holdsLock( ) is the method that can be used to find whether the lock is held by the current thread.

What is a lock in thread?

A lock may be a tool for controlling access to a shared resource by multiple threads. Commonly, a lock provides exclusive access to a shared resource: just one thread at a time can acquire the lock and everyone accesses to the shared resource requires that the lock be acquired first.

How many threads can possess a lock at the same time?

For a thread to work on an object, it must have control over the lock associated with it, it must “hold” the lock. Only one thread can hold a lock at a time. If a thread tries to take a lock that is already held by another thread, then it must wait until the lock is released.

1 Answers

This is supported in .NET 4.5 using Monitor.IsEntered(object).

like image 99
Dave Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 06:10
