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Checking to see if a DateTime variable has had a value assigned




People also ask

How do you check if a DateTime field is not null or empty?

Use model. myDate. HasValue. It will return true if date is not null otherwise false.

How do you assign a value to a DateTime variable?

There are two ways to initialize the DateTime variable: DateTime DT = new DateTime();// this will initialze variable with a date(01/01/0001) and time(00:00:00). DateTime DT = new DateTime(2019,05,09,9,15,0);// this will initialize variable with a specific date(09/05/2019) and time(9:15:00).

Can DateTime be null?

DateTime itself is a value type. It cannot be null.

What is the value of DateTime MinValue in C#?

The value of this constant is equivalent to 00:00:00.0000000 UTC, January 1, 0001, in the Gregorian calendar. MinValue defines the date and time that is assigned to an uninitialized DateTime variable.

do you mean like so:

DateTime datetime = new DateTime();

if (datetime == DateTime.MinValue)

or you could use Nullable

DateTime? datetime = null;

 if (!datetime.HasValue)

The only way of having a variable which hasn't been assigned a value in C# is for it to be a local variable - in which case at compile-time you can tell that it isn't definitely assigned by trying to read from it :)

I suspect you really want Nullable<DateTime> (or DateTime? with the C# syntactic sugar) - make it null to start with and then assign a normal DateTime value (which will be converted appropriately). Then you can just compare with null (or use the HasValue property) to see whether a "real" value has been set.

put this somewhere:

public static class DateTimeUtil //or whatever name
    public static bool IsEmpty(this DateTime dateTime)
        return dateTime == default(DateTime);


DateTime datetime = ...;

if (datetime.IsEmpty())

I just found out that GetHashCode() for an unassigned datetime is always zero. I am not sure if this is a good way to check for null datetime, because, I can't find any documentation on why this behavior is displayed.

    Console.WriteLine("DateTime is unassigned"); 

DateTime is value type, so it can not never be null. If you think DateTime? ( Nullable ) you can use:

DateTime? something = GetDateTime();
bool isNull = (something == null);
bool isNull2 = !something.HasValue;