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Checking the type of a method parameter




I am not sure if an object I pass to a method is of the proper type. I might pass a string to a function that can only handle integers. What about some kind of runtime ensurance? I couldn't see a better option than:

def someFixNumMangler(input)
  raise "wrong type: integer required" unless input.class == FixNum

Any better alternatives?

like image 952
Miotsu Avatar asked Sep 05 '13 12:09


2 Answers

Use the Kernel#Integer method to convert the input before using it. It will raise an ArgumentError when the input could not be converted to an integer in any reasonable fashion.

def my_method(number)
  number = Integer(number)
  # do something with number, which is now guaranteed to be an integer

I recommend Avdi Grimm's new book Confident Ruby for more insight into this.

like image 67
Lars Haugseth Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09

Lars Haugseth

If you really need to do type checks, then yes, you only have runtime checking. Code in the question is ok. You can also use .is_a?.

def someFixNumMangler(input)
  raise "wrong type: integer required" unless input.is_a?(FixNum)

The checks may take different forms. If you expect, say, a string and you call string methods on it (upcase, gsub, etc), the code will blow up if anything other than string is passed. Unless, of course, you pass an object that is not a string, but behaves just like one (has the same methods that you call). This is the essence of duck typing.

What if your method looked like this?

def someFixNumMangler(input)
  input = input.to_i
  puts "got this: #{input} of #{input.class}"


# >> got this: 10 of Fixnum
# >> got this: 42 of Fixnum
# ~> -:2:in `someFixNumMangler': undefined method `to_i' for File:Class (NoMethodError)
# ~>    from -:9:in `<main>'

As long as an argument responds to #to_i, you don't actually care what its type is.

like image 24
Sergio Tulentsev Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09

Sergio Tulentsev