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Checking the next run time for scheduled periodic tasks in Celery (with Django)

*Using celery 3.1.25 because django-celery-beat 1.0.1 has an issue with scheduling periodic tasks.

Recently I encountered an issue with celerybeat whereby periodic tasks with an interval of a day or longer appear to be 'forgotten' by the scheduler. If I change the interval to every 5 seconds the task executes normally (every 5 seconds) and the last_run_at attribute gets updated. This means celerybeat is responding to the scheduler to a certain degree, but if I reset the last_run_at i.e. PeriodicTask.objects.update(last_run_at=None), none of the tasks with an interval of every day run anymore.

Celerybeat crashed at one point and that may have corrupted something so I created a new virtualenv and database to see if the problem persists. I'd like to know if there is a way to retrieve the next run time so that I don't have to wait a day to know whether or not my periodic task has been executed.

I have also tried using inspect <active/scheduled/reserved> but all returned empty. Is this normal for periodic tasks using djcelery's database scheduler?

Here's the function that schedules the tasks:

def schedule_data_collection(request, project):
    if (request.method == 'POST'):
        interval = request.POST.get('interval')

        target_project = Project.objects.get(url_path=project)    
        interval_schedule = dict(every=json.loads(interval), period='days')

        schedule, created = IntervalSchedule.objects.get_or_create(

        task_name = '{} data collection'.format(target_project.name)

            task = PeriodicTask.objects.get(name=task_name)
        except PeriodicTask.DoesNotExist:
            task = PeriodicTask.objects.create(
            if task.interval != schedule:
                task.interval = schedule

            if task.enabled is False:
                task.enabled = True


        return HttpResponse(task.interval)
        return HttpResponseForbidden()
like image 823
FatHippo Avatar asked Mar 21 '17 10:03


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Celery is a task queue with focus on real-time processing, while also supporting task scheduling.² There are two main usages of celery in a regular Django application.

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Periodic tasks can be added to existing celery app configuration via “beat_schedule” options The celery beat can run using the below command. Make sure the celery worker is also running before starting the beat service.

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Running periodic tasks is an important part of web application development. For example, you might want to periodically check all users for late payments, and email a polite reminder to users that haven't paid. Django does not include any built-in functionality for handling periodic tasks. To perform periodic tasks, you'll need to rely on Celery.

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Now by looking at the periodic task instance in the DB, celery-beat will know to run the task when its time comes. We will now run our celery beat and worker processes to get the ball rolling.

1 Answers

You can see your scheduler by going into shell and looking at app.conf.CELERYBEAT_SCEDULE.

celery -A myApp shell

This should show you all your Periodic Tasks.

like image 59
Christopher Whitehead Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Christopher Whitehead