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Checking the "boolean" result of an "int" type

I'm learning Java, coming from C and I found an interesting difference between languages with the boolean type. In C there is no bool/ean so we need to use numeric types to represent boolean logic (0 == false).

I guess in Java that doesn't work:

int i = 1; if (i)     System.out.println("i is true"); 

Nor does changing the conditional via a typecast:

if ((boolean)i) 

So besides doing something like:

if ( i != 0 ) 

Is there any other way to do a C-ish logic check on an int type? Just wondering if there were any Java tricks that allow boolean logic on non-boolean types like this.

The example above was very simplistic and yields itself to a narrow scope of thinking. When I asked the question originally I was thinking about non-boolean returns from function calls as well. For example the Linux fork() call. It doesn't return an int per se, but I could use the numeric return value for a conditional nicely as in:

if( fork() ) {     // do child code 

This allows me to process the code in the conditional for the child, while not doing so for the parent (or in case of negative return result for an error).

So I don't know enough Java to give a good "Java" example at the moment, but that was my original intent.

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Mike Avatar asked Dec 10 '12 17:12


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To convert integer to boolean, firstly let us initialize an integer. int val = 100; Now we will declare a variable with primitive boolean. While declaration, we will initialize it with the val value comparing it with an integer using the == operator.

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Boolean values still behave as integers, can be stored in integer variables, and used anywhere integers would be valid, including in indexing, arithmetic, parsing, and formatting.

2 Answers

In Java,

if ( i != 0 ) 

is the idiomatic way to check whether the integer i differs from zero.

If i is used as a flag, it should be of type boolean and not of type int.

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NPE Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10


Why not use the boolean type ? That will work as you expect without the potentially problematic integer/boolean conflation.

private boolean isValid; ... if (!isValid) {    ... } 

Note that this is the idiomatic Java approach. 3rd party libs use this, and consumers of your API will use and expect it too. I would expect libs that you use to give you booleans, and as such it's just you treating ints as booleans.

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Brian Agnew Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10

Brian Agnew