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Checking is string in one of the values of list property?



I have a public class.

public class StoreItems 
    public string itemName;
    public string itemPrice;
    public string itemQuantity;

I have a list.

public List <StoreItems> itemData = new List<StoreItems> ();

The user will enter an item name and im supposed to check if that item name is already in my itemData's itemName.

My current code is something like this

if (itemData.Find(x => x.itemData.Equals(userInput))
  //already in list
 //add data

However, I'm getting an error saying itemData cannot be implicitly converted to bool. Tips would be appreciated

like image 862
zoenightshade Avatar asked Jul 18 '17 07:07


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1 Answers

You can achieve this easily with LINQ.

if(itemData.Any(data => data.itemName == userInput))

Any checks all items of an IEnumerable whether they match a given predicate, or not.

like image 117
Tamás Szabó Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 21:10

Tamás Szabó