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checking if a nullable bool is null or not [duplicate]



Possible Duplicate:
Which is preferred: Nullable<>.HasValue or Nullable<> == null?

I know questions like this have been asked many times. But I never found an answer to how to check if a nullable bool is null or not. Here is an answer I have to this:

bool? nullableBool;
if (nullableBool == true){

}else if (nullableBool == false){



But I was wondering if there is a better and more straight to the point way in order to minimize useless codes? Thanks.

like image 885
Amin Avatar asked Nov 09 '12 08:11


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It be that you need to test if SessionManager is null before you access it, or maybe the HoldStringId needs to be tested for null, as well as that. Nullable types can be checked using the HasValue property, and their value can be retrieved with the Value property.

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False is a value, null is lack of a value. C# gets it right I think. Other languages that were built without a boolean type or a concept of a pointer (or nullable type) just overloaded an int to mean all these different things.

1 Answers

if (!nullableBool.HasValue)
    // null

You also can directly compare it with null.

like image 152
tukaef Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09
