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Checking if a generic IEnumerable is empty





Let's say I have an object which may be of type IEnumerable<T>. I want to write a method that returns true if the object is of type IEnumerable<T>, is not null, and is not empty.

Here's what I've got so far:

public bool IsNullOrEmpty(object obj)
    if (obj != null)
        if (obj is IEnumerable<object>)
            return (obj as IEnumerable<object>).Any();
    return false;

This works if I pass in an object that is of type List<string>, but not if I pass in an object that is of type List<int>. It fails because because obj is IEnumerable<object> returns false.

Any idea how I can make this work for all generic IEnumerables?

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K Mehta Avatar asked Sep 04 '14 21:09

K Mehta

Video Answer

4 Answers

Since the type may be unknown, you can try check for IEnumerable interface and use MoveNext() on the enumerator.

EDIT: I updated the method name. It makes more sense with the logic now since the original question code was checking if there were items in the collection.

public bool IsNotNullOrEmpty(object enumerable)
    if (enumerable != null)
        if (enumerable is IEnumerable)
            using(var enumerator = ((IEnumerable)enumerable).GetEnumerator())
                return enumerator.MoveNext();
    return false;
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TyCobb Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09


System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T> inherits from System.Collections.IEnumerable - thus, if you are ok with checking the non-generic IEnumerable, rather than the generic IEnumerable<T>, you could just cast to IEnumerable.

A few notes about your code: You are first checking with is, and then you cast with as. That is generally unnecessary; as already checks and returns null if the cast failed. Therefore, a shorter way would be:

var enumerable = obj as IEnumerable;
if (enumerable != null) {
    return !enumerable.Cast<object>().Any();

Note that you will need the additional call to Cast there, as Any requires a generic IEnumerable<T>.

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O. R. Mapper Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

O. R. Mapper

You can try to cast it to IEnumerable:

public static bool IsNullOrEmpty<T>(this T obj) where T : class
    if (obj == null) return true;
    IEnumerable seq = obj as IEnumerable;
    if (seq != null) return !seq.Cast<object>().Any();
    return false;


List<int> list = new List<int>();
bool nullOrEmpty = list.IsNullOrEmpty();  // true

Btw, interestingly enough it works correctly with an empty string:

bool nullOrEmpty = "".IsNullOrEmpty();   // true
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Tim Schmelter Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Tim Schmelter

You can check for the non-generic IEnumerable and check that for emptiness. You can add a check to ensure the object implements IEnumerable<T> using reflection:

public static bool IsNullOrEmpty(object obj)
    var e = obj as System.Collections.IEnumerable;
    if (e == null || !e.GetType().GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>))) return false;

    foreach (object _ in e)
        return true;
    return false;
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Lee Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09
