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Checking for attributes in BeautifulSoup?

I'm parsing some data from HTML by walking through elements at a certain level using nextSibling, and doing different things depending on the tag name and class of each element encountered.


if n.name == "p" and n.class == "poem": blah()

But this raises an error if the element doesn't have a class or if it isn't an instance of Tag and hence has no name.

Testing before accessing like this

if "name" in n:

always return false. I could check the type of the object returned by nextSibling to try to weed out NavigableString and Comment, but there's got to be an easier way.


Emailed the dev of BeautifulSoup with this question and he recommended testing with


which returns None if "class" is unset, which makes it possible to just do:

if n.get("class") == "poem": blah()
like image 322
blocks Avatar asked Aug 09 '11 22:08


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We can access a tag's attributes by treating it like a dictionary. Implementation: Example 1: Program to extract the attributes using attrs approach.

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2 Answers

Besides using get() method


Another option is to use has_attr() (use has_key() pre BeautifulSoup 4):

like image 54
Jasper van den Bosch Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Jasper van den Bosch

In this case exceptions may be your friend:

    if n.name == 'p' and n['class'] == "poem":
except AttributeError: # element does not have .name attribute
except KeyError: # element does not have a class

You may also wrap it into one except if this is in case:

    if n.name == 'p' and n['class'] == "poem":
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
like image 31
Michał Bentkowski Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Michał Bentkowski