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Check Widget is Placed on Android Screen

Can someone tell me how to check that my widget have been placed on the homescreen?

I have some code in my app that should run only if the widget is placed on the homescreen.

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Jeff Avatar asked Jan 12 '12 14:01


3 Answers

Just saying, but...

    int ids[] = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(this).getAppWidgetIds(new ComponentName(this,MyAppWidgetProvider.class));

    Toast.makeText(this, "Number of widgets: "+ids.length, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
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Waza_Be Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 04:11


You need to store that information yourself. I usually use the application preferences, but you could use anything. Generally widgets use services to communicate, so your code that does stuff is likely in a service, but using the preference allows any portion of your app to access this.

In your widget class that extends AppWidgetProvider the onEnabled is called when the widget is put on a homescreen and the onDeleted is (usually) called when it's removed. onDisabled is called when all copies are removed.

So in the code of your widget provider:

public void onEnabled(Context context) {
    context.startService(new Intent(appContext, WidgetUpdateService.class));

public void onDisabled(Context context) {
    Context appContext = context.getApplicationContext();
    context.stopService(new Intent(appContext, WidgetUpdateService.class));

private void setWidgetActive(boolean active){
    Context appContext = context.getApplicationContext();
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(appContext);
    SharedPreferences.Editor edit = prefs.edit();
    edit.putBoolean(Constants.WIDGET_ACTIVE, active);

Elsewhere in code, you would check to see if the widget is active by:

public boolean isWidgetActive(Context context){
    Context appContext = context.getApplicationContext();
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
    return prefs.getBoolean(Constants.WIDGET_ACTIVE, false);
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larsona1 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 03:11


I know it's an old question, but looking at this today I saw that there are a couple of problems with the accepted answer from @larsona1:

  1. if the user cleared the shared preferences - there's still widget, but the app won't know about it.
  2. if the user regret between "add widget" and before pressing "ok" - onEnabled will be called anyway, and a widget will be registered in the home screen even though there is no widget, and no way to remove it later. (it may be a bug in ADT home launcher).

I found a solution to the first problem. No shared preferences are needed at all, since it's unreliable anyway. It has to be checked in runtime.

// in some class you define a static variable, say in S.java
static boolean sWidgetMayExist = true;

In your widget provider:

// MyAppWidgetProvider.java
// to respond to runtime changes, when widgets are added and removed
public void onEnabled(Context context) {
    S.sWidgetMayExist = true;

public void onDisabled(Context context) {
    S.sWidgetMayExist = true;

And, in your service code add this:

AppWidgetManager manager = null;
RemoteViews views = null;
ComponentName widgetComponent = null;

    // ..and in your update thread

    if (!S.sWidgetMayExist) { return; }

if (manager == null || widgetComponent == null) {
    widgetComponent = new ComponentName(c,
    manager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(c);

if (manager.getAppWidgetIds(widgetComponent) == null) {
    S.sWidgetMayExist = false;
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Amir Uval Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 04:11

Amir Uval