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check uncheck All checkboxes with another single checkbox use jquery

I use jquery-1.9.1.js In my html page, it works well for the first time.

just like http://jsfiddle.net/pzCcE/1/

Can somebody help me to improve it?

<table id="tab1">
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkAll" id="checkAll">全選
    <input type="checkbox" name="book" id="book" value="book1">book1
    <input type="checkbox" name="book" id="book" value="book2">book2
    <input type="checkbox" name="book" id="book" value="book3">book3
    <input type="checkbox" name="book" id="book" value="book4">book4
    <input type="checkbox" name="book" id="book" value="book5">book5</table>

$(function () {
    $("#tab1 #checkAll").click(function () {
        if ($("#tab1 #checkAll").is(':checked')) {
            $("#tab1 input[type=checkbox]").each(function () {
                $(this).attr("checked", true);

        } else {
            $("#tab1 input[type=checkbox]").each(function () {
                $(this).attr("checked", false);
like image 728
user2187325 Avatar asked Mar 19 '13 16:03


People also ask

How do you check all and uncheck all checkbox in jQuery?

Abstract: To Select or Deselect Checkboxes using jQuery, all you need to do is use the prop() method along with the change event to achieve the requirement in a couple of lines of code. Gmail has a nice option where you can select and deselect multiple checkboxes (Emails) using the 'Select All' checkbox.

How do you uncheck a selected checkbox when one checkbox is unchecked?

Select change eventCheck total options and total selected options if it is equal then set Select All checkbox checked otherwise unchecked it.

How do you uncheck a checkbox when another is checked in react?

To uncheck a checkbox programmatically in React, we can set the checked prop of the checkbox to a state. We have the checked state that we used to set the checked prop of the checkbox. Then we add a button that calls setChecked to toggle the checked value when we click the button.

2 Answers


$(this).attr("checked", true);


$(this).prop("checked", true);

jsFiddle example

I actually just answered another question that was similar to this. Per the .prop() docs:

The .prop() method is a convenient way to set the value of properties—especially when setting multiple properties, using values returned by a function, or setting values on multiple elements at once. It should be used when setting selectedIndex, tagName, nodeName, nodeType, ownerDocument, defaultChecked, or defaultSelected. Since jQuery 1.6, these properties can no longer be set with the .attr() method. They do not have corresponding attributes and are only properties.

Properties generally affect the dynamic state of a DOM element without changing the serialized HTML attribute. Examples include the value property of input elements, the disabled property of inputs and buttons, or the checked property of a checkbox. The .prop() method should be used to set disabled and checked instead of the .attr() method. The .val() method should be used for getting and setting value.

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j08691 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10


You should be using classes with the same name, ID's MUST be unique!

<input type="checkbox" name="checkAll" id="checkAll">全選
<input type="checkbox" name="book" class="book" value="book1">book1
<input type="checkbox" name="book" class="book" value="book2">book2
<input type="checkbox" name="book" class="book" value="book3">book3
<input type="checkbox" name="book" class="book" value="book4">book4
<input type="checkbox" name="book" class="book" value="book5">book5</table>

$(function () {
    $("#checkAll").click(function () {
        if ($("#checkAll").is(':checked')) {
            $(".book").prop("checked", true);
        } else {
            $(".book").prop("checked", false);
like image 32
tymeJV Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10
