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Check severeal boolean returns in same time

I have several bool elements and I am checking it if returns me false.

bool i = false;
        switch (idcount)
            case 1: i = p1(); break;
            case 2: i = p1() & p2(); break;
            case 3: i = p1() & p2() & p3(); break;
            case 4: i = p1() & p2() & p3() & p4(); break;
            case 5: i = p1() & p2() & p3() & p4() & p5(); break;
            case 6: i = p1() & p2() & p3() & p4() & p5() & p6(); break;
            case 7: i = p1() & p2() & p3() & p4() & p5() & p6() & p7(); break;
return i;

I want if one of p*() returns false in any case i returns false. Is it right way or two false returns true? I want all p*() return true i returns true..

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Blick Avatar asked Dec 03 '13 10:12


3 Answers

use && (logical and) not & (binary operator)


p1() && p2();

it will return true only if all p*() are true (same as &), but note that if first p*() will return false rest of expression won't be evaluated. In case of & whole expression will be evaluated

var functions = new List<Func<bool>>();
return functions.Take(idcount).All(x=>x());

try above it looks cleaner than switch statement and should examine if all first idcount entries are true same as switch case with &&

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Kamil Budziewski Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Kamil Budziewski

Of course your code should work as what you want, however I would like to use the following compact code:

List<Func<bool>> ps = new List<Func<bool>>();
var i = ps.Take(idcount).All(a=>a());

To use a normal for loop, you can do something like this:

var i = true;  
if(ps.Count >= idcount){
  for(int i = 0; i < idcount; i++){
    if(!ps[i]()) { i = false; break;}
} //else ???
like image 40
King King Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

King King

Using & bit wise operator will cause all the expression to be evaluated even if you get the false in first p1(). You should use && logical operator to combine the condition.

Binary & operators are predefined for the integral types and bool. For integral types, & computes the logical bitwise AND of its operands. For bool operands, & computes the logical AND of its operands; that is, the result is true if and only if both its operands are true. The & operator evaluates both operators regardless of the first one's value, MSDN.

Conditional-AND operator (&&) performs a logical-AND of its bool operands, but only evaluates its second operand if necessary, MSDN.

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Adil Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11
