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Check my anagram code from a job interview in the past




Had the following as an interview question a while ago and choked so bad on basic syntax that I failed to advance (once the adrenalin kicks in, coding goes out the window.)

Given a list of string, return a list of sets of strings that are anagrams of the input set. i.e. "dog","god", "foo" should return {"dog","god"}. Afterward, I created the code on my own as a sanity check and it's been around now for a bit. I'd welcome input on it to see if I missed anything or if I could have done it much more efficiently. Take it as a chance to improve myself and learn other techniques:

void Anagram::doWork(list input, list> &output)
  typedef list < pair < string, string>> SortType;
  SortType sortedInput;
// sort each string and pair it with the original for(list< string >::iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); ++i) { string tempString(*i); std::sort(tempString.begin(), tempString.end()); sortedInput.push_back(make_pair(*i, tempString)); }
// Now step through the new sorted list for(SortType::iterator i = sortedInput.begin(); i != sortedInput.end();) { set< string > newSet;
// Assume (hope) we have a match and pre-add the first. newSet.insert(i->first);
// Set the secondary iterator one past the outside to prevent // matching the original SortType::iterator j = i; ++j;
while(j != sortedInput.end()) { if(i->second == j->second) { // If the string matches, add it to the set and remove it // so that future searches need not worry about it newSet.insert(j->first); j = sortedInput.erase(j); } else { // else, next element ++j; } }
// If size is bigger than our original push, we have a match // - save it to the output if(newSet.size() > 1) { output.push_back(newSet); }
// erase this element and update the iterator i = sortedInput.erase(i); } }

Here's a second pass at this after reviewing comments and learning a bit more:

void doBetterWork(list input, list> &output)
  typedef std::multimap< string, string > SortedInputType;
  SortedInputType sortedInput;
  vector< string > sortedNames;
for(vector< string >::iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); ++i) { string tempString(*i); std::sort(tempString.begin(), tempString.end()); sortedInput.insert(make_pair(tempString, *i)); sortedNames.push_back(tempString); }
for(list< string >::iterator i = sortedNames.begin(); i != sortedNames.end(); ++i) { pair< SortedInputType::iterator,SortedInputType::iterator > bounds; bounds = sortedInput.equal_range(*i);
set< string > newSet; for(SortedInputType::iterator j = bounds.first; j != bounds.second; ++j) { newSet.insert(j->second); }
if(newSet.size() > 1) { output.push_back(newSet); }
sortedInput.erase(bounds.first, bounds.second); } }

like image 319
Michael Dorgan Avatar asked Apr 25 '10 03:04

Michael Dorgan

People also ask

What is anagram number?

Just like strings, a number is said to be an anagram of some other number if it can be made equal to the other number by just shuffling the digits in it. Examples: Input: A = 204, B = 240.

What is string anagram?

Two strings are called anagrams if they contain same set of characters but in different order.

What is an anagram well two words are anagrams of each other if they both contain the same letters for example?

What is an anagram? An anagram is a word made by rearranging an original word's letters to make a new word. For example, “listen” and “silent” are anagrams of each other because we can create them by rearranging the letters. In other words, the strings contain the same letters, but in a different order.

1 Answers

The best way to group anagrams is to map the strings to some sort of histogram representation.

 FUNCTION histogram
 [input] -> [output]

 "dog"   -> (1xd, 1xg, 1xo)
 "god"   -> (1xd, 1xg, 1xo)
 "foo"   -> (1xf, 2xo)

Basically, with a linear scan of a string, you can produce the histogram representation of how many of each letters it contains. A small, finite alphabet makes this even easier (e.g. with A-Z, you just have an array of 26 numbers, one for each letter).

Now, anagrams are simply words that have the same histogram.

Then you can have a multimap data structure that maps a histogram to a list of words that have that histogram.

[key]           => [set of values]

(1xd, 1xg, 1xo) => { "dog", "god" }
(1xf, 2xo)      => { "foo" }

The canonical form trick

Instead of working on the histograms, you can also work on the "canonical form" of the strings. Basically, you define for each string, what its canonical form is, and two words are anagrams if they have the same canonical form.

One convenient canonical form is to have the letters in the string in sorted order.

FUNCTION canonize
[input]  -> [output]

"dog"    -> "dgo"
"god"    -> "dgo"
"abracadabra" -> "aaaaabbcdrr"

Note that this is just one step after the histogram approach: you're essentially doing counting sort to sort the letters.

This is the most practical solution in actual programming language to your problem.


Producing the histogram/canonical form of a word is practically O(1) (finite alphabet size, finite maximum word length).

With a good hash implementation, get and put on the multimap is O(1).

You can even have multiple multimaps, one for each word length.

If there are N words, putting all the words into the multimaps is therefore O(N); then outputting each anagram group is simply dumping the values in the multimaps. This too can be done in O(N).

This is certainly better than checking if each pair of word are anagrams (an O(N^2) algorithm).

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polygenelubricants Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09
