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Check if variable type is List<dynamic>, flutter



Below is the code where I am first printing the type of myVar. It returns List<dynamic> in the console. But when I compare its type in a if condition, it does not pass this condition.

if (myVar.runtimeType is List<dynamic>) { 

What's wrong here?

like image 627
Muhammad Amir Avatar asked Mar 10 '20 05:03

Muhammad Amir

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To check the type of a variable in Flutter and Dart, you can use the runtimeType property.

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Video Answer

1 Answers

runtimeType is of type Type and never going to be List or int.

The is operator automatically compares types.

Also when writing a type, if you leave the generic parameter empty, it will be read as a dynamic. for example List and List<dynamic> have the same type.

if (myVar is List) { 
like image 113
aligator Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10
