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Check if variable is a valid node element

How can I change a JS element to see if it is a node or an empty variable?

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Webnet Avatar asked Sep 23 '10 17:09


People also ask

How do you check if an element is a node?

The Node.contains() method checks if an element is inside another, and returns a boolean: true if it is, and false if it's not. Call it on the parent element, and pass the element you want to check for in as an argument.

How do I check if a variable is undefined in node JS?

In a JavaScript program, the correct way to check if an object property is undefined is to use the typeof operator. If the value is not defined, typeof returns the 'undefined' string.

How do I check if an element is in HTML?

Use the tagName property to check if an element is a div, e.g. if (div. tagName === 'DIV') {} .

How do you check if an element is defined in JavaScript?

The typeof operator will check whether a variable is defined or not. The typeof operator doesn't throw a ReferenceError exception when it is used with an undeclared variable. The typeof null will return an object. So, check for null also.

2 Answers

It depends on what you mean by an empty variable.

If you mean it hasn't had a value assigned, you can check for undefined

alert( someVariable !== "undefined" );

Or if you know it has a value, and need to see if it is an element, you could do something like this:

alert( someVariable && someVariable.nodeType );  

Or if you need to verify that it is a type 1 element, you could do this:

alert( someVariable && someVariable.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE );  

This eliminates text nodes, attribute nodes, comments, and a bunch of others.

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user113716 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09


Using the HTML Element and taking a look at the Properties tab in Chrome Dev Tools we can see the descendants:


Now we do not want to check the first 2 no matter what, too many different possibilities so that leave us with HTMLElement or Element. So what is the difference?

HTML, HEAD, SCRIPT, META, BODY, DIV, P and UL all have the same inheritance:


Now a few negative results from a typical document where:

<!DOCTYPE html>     DocumentType->Node->EventTarget->Object
<!-- COMMENT -->    Comment->CharacterData->Node->EventTarget->Object

So Node is the common denominator, but the question is to how to check for a Valid DOM Node it is how to check for a valid DOM Node Element. So any object with HTMLElement to return true, otherwise return false.

Ok now using the Chrome Dev Tools lets look at the HTML Element:

$obj.nodeType;      //1     No help what so ever
$obj.nodeName;      //HTML  Gives use the tag names
$obj.nodeValue;     //null  Waste of DOM space

let's check the prototype or __proto?

$obj.prototype.nodeType;    //TypeError
$obj.prototype.nodeName;    //TypeError
$obj.prototype.nodeValue;   //TypeError

$obj.__proto__.nodeType;    //undefined
$obj.__proto__.nodeName;    //undefined
$obj.__proto__.nodeValue;   //undefined

Ok so using node is dead to use. Lets move to the constructor.

//"HTMLHtmlElement"     promising...

//[object Object]



Now lets wrap in in a nice clean efficient utility function.

//readable version
    try {
        return ($obj.constructor.__proto__.prototype.constructor.name)?true:false;
        return false;

 * Return true if object parameter is a DOM Element and false otherwise.
 * @param {object} Object to test
 * @return {boolean}
isElement=function(a){try{return a.constructor.__proto__.prototype.constructor.name?!0:!1}catch(b){return!1}};


$html=get('html')[0];           //[<html data-role=​"webpage" data-theme=​"dark" data-require=​"fa" data-hello=​"world">​…​</html>​]
isElement($html);               //"HTMLElement"
isElement($html.dataset);       //false
isElement($html.firstChild);    //"HTMLElement"
isElement($html.textContent);   //false

$tail=gei('tail');              //<tail id=​"tail">​…​</tail>​
isElement($tail);               //"HTMLElement"

isElement(get('title')[0]);     //"HTMLElement"
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NlaakALD Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
