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Check if user is enrolled in specific Moodle course



On a Moodle-enabled site, I want to give users some coupons.

I made it to check if the user is logged in, but I also want to check if the current logged in user is enroled in specific course (an array of 3 course IDs).

So far I tried with $USER->currentcourseaccess or $USER-> lastcourseaccess, but they don't do the trick.

So, how can I check if the current logged in user is enrolled in specific Moodle course?

Edit: The site uses Moodle 2.

like image 963
Marius Butuc Avatar asked Dec 05 '11 20:12

Marius Butuc

People also ask

How do I see who created a course in Moodle?

You can use the table mdl_logstore_standard_log to get the id of the user who created the course. All actions are logged in this table.

How do I Unenroll someone from Moodle?

Find the user you wish to remove, go to the Status column, and click the trashcan (Delete) icon. Click Unenroll on the confirmation page to approve the change.

4 Answers

I just use this simple 2 line solution (, using course and user id):

global $USER;

$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid, MUST_EXIST);
$enrolled = is_enrolled($context, $USER->id, '', true);
like image 153
Mike Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10


You'll need to first get the course context, and then check your user against the list of enrolled users with a specific role ID in that context (default role ID for Student is 5). Wit h the Moodle 2.0+ API, you can do it without directly querying the database:

$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course_id);
$students = get_role_users(5, $context);

In Moodle 1.9, you'll need to manually get the stuff from the DB:

  • first the mdl_contexts table with contextlevel = CONTEXT_COURSE (CONTEXT_COURSE = 50) and instanceid = <id of course>
  • and then mdl_role_assignments with contextid = <first result> and roleid = 5
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olex Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10


you can also run this sql command:

SELECT c.id AS id, c.fullname,c.shortname, u.username, u.firstname, 
u.lastname, u.email
FROM mdl_role_assignments ra, mdl_user u, mdl_course c, mdl_context cxt
WHERE ra.userid = u.id
AND ra.contextid = cxt.id
AND cxt.contextlevel = 50
AND cxt.instanceid = c.id
AND u.username = 'User_Username'
AND c.shortname = 'Course_Shortname'
AND (roleid =5 OR roleid=3);

this should check if the user with user name 'User_Username' is enrolled in the course with shortname 'Course_Shortname' as student or teacher

hope it helps.

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Mawardy Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10


Enrollment check code snippet :

function check_enrollment($username, $course){ 
    global $DB;
    $sql = "SELECT count(*)
            FROM mdl_user_enrolments a,
            mdl_enrol b,
            mdl_user c

            WHERE c.username='$username'
            AND a.userid=c.id
            AND b.courseid=$course
            AND a.enrolid=b.id";
    $n = $DB->count_records_sql($sql);
    if($n==0) {
        //user not enrolled
        return False;
    } elseif($n==1) {
        //user already enrolled
        return True;
    } else { 
        //, bad data ie<Data sanity not maintained>
        add_to_log($course, 'ERROR: check-enrollment', 'Entered into mordor code block');
        return False;
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iankit Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10
