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Check if Tomcat is running via shell script




I need to check if Tomcat is running in my system via a shell script. If not I need to catch the process id and kill Tomcat. How shall it be achieved?

like image 919
Gopinagh.R Avatar asked Dec 01 '22 21:12


2 Answers

in order to get the running process, I've used this command:

ps x | grep [full_path_to_tomcat] | grep -v grep | cut -d ' ' -f 1

You have to be careful, though. It works on my setup, but it may not run everywhere... I have two installations of tomcat, one is /usr/local/tomcat on port 8080 and /usr/local/tomcat_8081 on port 8081. I have to use '/usr/local/tomcat/' (with the final slash) as the full_path because otherwise it would return 2 different pids if tomcat_8081 is running as well.

Here's the explanation of what this command does:

1) ps x gives you a list of running processes ordered by pid, tty, stat, time running and command.

2) Applying grep [full_path_to_tomcat] to it will find the pattern [full_path_to_tomcat] within that list. For instance, running ps x | grep /usr/local/tomcat/ might get you the following:

13277 ?        Sl     7:13 /usr/local/java/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.fil
e=/usr/local/tomcat/conf/logging.properties [...] -Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/tomca
t [...]
21149 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep /usr/local/tomcat/

3) As we get 2 entries instead of one due to the grep /usr/local/tomcat/ matching the pattern, let's remove it. -v is the invert-match flag for grep, meaning it will select only lines that do not match the pattern. So, in the previous example, using ps -x | grep /usr/local/tomcat/ | grep -v grep will return:

13277 ?        Sl     7:13 /usr/local/java/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.fil
e=/usr/local/tomcat/conf/logging.properties [...] -Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/tomca
t [...]

4) Cool, now we have the pid we need. Still, we need to strip all the rest. In order to do that, let's use cut. This command removes sections from a FILE or a standard output. The -d option is the delimiter and the -f is the field you need. Great. So we can use a space (' ') as a delimiter, and get the first field, which corresponds to the pid. Running ps x | grep /usr/local/tomcat/ | grep -v grep | cut -d ' ' -f 1 will return:


Which is what you need. To use it in your script, it's simple:

#replace below with your tomcat path
pid=$(ps x | grep "${tomcat_path}" | grep -v grep | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
if [ "${pid}" ]; then
  eval "kill ${pid}"
like image 80
Tarek Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 05:12


One way to check by using wget for your server address and checking the status.

Check this link here :



is_Running ()

        wget -O - http://yourserver.com/ >& /dev/null
 if( test $? -eq 0 ) then
  return 0
  return 1

stop_Tomcat ()
 echo "shutting down......"

start_Tomcat ()
 echo "starting......"

restart ()
 sleep 10
 sleep 60
like image 29
Jafar Karuthedath Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 05:12

Jafar Karuthedath