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Check if only one variable in a list of variables is set




I'm looking for a simple method to check if only one variable in a list of variables has a True value. I've looked at this logical xor post and is trying to find a way to adapt to multiple variables and only one true.





like image 734
Deon Avatar asked Jun 23 '09 12:06


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1 Answers

There isn't one built in but it's not to hard to roll you own:

def TrueXor(*args):
    return sum(args) == 1

Since "[b]ooleans are a subtype of plain integers" (source) you can sum the list of integers quite easily and you can also pass true booleans into this function as well.

So these two calls are homogeneous:

TrueXor(1, 0, 0)
TrueXor(True, False, False)

If you want explicit boolean conversion: sum( bool(x) for x in args ) == 1.

like image 57
Andrew Hare Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Andrew Hare