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Check if object is list of list in python?




Is there any ways we can detect if an object is list in python using type(obj) --> list.

But how can we detect if the object is list of list of the form as:

like image 466
Nilesh Agrawal Avatar asked May 03 '13 21:05

Nilesh Agrawal

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Check if Variable is a List with type() Now, to alter code flow programatically, based on the results of this function: a_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # Checks if the variable "a_list" is a list if type(a_list) == list: print("Variable is a list.") else: print("Variable is not a list.")

2 Answers

Use isinstance() to check for a specific type:

>>> isinstance([], list)

Use all() to test if all elements are of a certain type:

all(isinstance(elem, list) for elem in list_of_lists)

all() short-circuits; if any of the tests returns False, the loop is terminated and False is returned. Only if all but one element returns True does all() need to examine every element of the iterable.

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Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10

Martijn Pieters

If you want to make sure that every item in your list is a list, you could do something like this:

if all(isinstance(i, list) for i in lst):
    # All of the items are lists
  • isinstance(i, list) is the better way of writing type(i) == type(list) or type(i) == list).
  • all() returns True if all of the items in the sequence are True. It'll return False if any aren't True.
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Blender Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 03:10
