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Check if in dict or try/except which has better performance in python?

I have a few dictionaries containing similar data.

Most queries would be resolved in a single search of one dictionary.

So is it better performance wise to leave out preliminary checks for existence of a key in a dict and have a try at the next dict in an except clause catching key error?

Or maybe something like

# d1, d2, d3 = bunch of dictionaries

value = d1.get(key, d2.get(key, d3.get(key, 0)))


like image 447
user1561108 Avatar asked Dec 13 '12 15:12


People also ask

Are dictionaries inefficient in Python?

Since there may be lots of empty spaces we'll be traversing on without any real benefits and hence Dictionaries are generally slower than their array/list counterparts. For large-sized Datasets, memory access would be the bottleneck.

Which item is a disadvantage of a dictionary structure in Python?

Here are some disadvantages of using a Python dictionary. (i) Dictionaries are unordered. In cases where the order of the data is important, the Python dictionary is not appropriate. (ii) Python dictionaries take up a lot more space than other data structures.

What is the complexity of dictionary in Python?

Lookups are faster in dictionaries because Python implements them using hash tables. If we explain the difference by Big O concepts, dictionaries have constant time complexity, O(1) while lists have linear time complexity, O(n).

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Python has a built-in function called type() that helps you find the class type of the variable given as input. Python has a built-in function called isinstance() that compares the value with the type given. If the value and type given matches it will return true otherwise false.

2 Answers

It seems in almost all cases, using get would be faster. Here is my test run using try..except and get

>>> def foo1(n):
    spam = dict(zip(range(-99,100,n),[1]*200))
    s = 0
    for e in range(1,100):
            s += spam[e]
        except KeyError:
                s += spam[-e]
            except KeyError:
                s += 0
    return s

>>> def foo2(n):
    spam = dict(zip(range(-99,100,n),[1]*200))
    s = 0
    for e in range(1,100):
        s += spam.get(e, spam.get(-e,0))
    return s

>>> for i in range(1,201,10):
    res1 =  timeit.timeit('foo1({})'.format(i), setup = "from __main__ import foo1", number=1000)
    res2 =  timeit.timeit('foo2({})'.format(i), setup = "from __main__ import foo2", number=1000)
    print "{:^5}{:10.5}{:10.5}{:^10}{:^10}".format(i,res1,res2,foo1(i),foo2(i))

  1    0.075102  0.082862    99        99    
 11     0.25096  0.054272    9         9     
 21      0.2885  0.051398    10        10    
 31     0.26211  0.060171    7         7     
 41     0.26653  0.053595    5         5     
 51      0.2609  0.052511    4         4     
 61      0.2686  0.052792    4         4     
 71     0.26645  0.049901    3         3     
 81     0.26351  0.051275    3         3     
 91     0.26939  0.051192    3         3     
 101      0.264  0.049924    2         2     
 111     0.2648  0.049875    2         2     
 121    0.26644  0.049151    2         2     
 131    0.26417  0.048806    2         2     
 141    0.26418  0.050543    2         2     
 151    0.26585  0.049787    2         2     
 161    0.26663  0.051136    2         2     
 171    0.26549  0.048601    2         2     
 181    0.26425  0.050964    2         2     
 191     0.2648  0.048734    2         2     
like image 81
Abhijit Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09


Depends on the keys in the dictionaries.

If you predict with confidence that it is more common for keys to be missing use then use get.

If you predict with confidence that it is more common for keys to be there use try except.

like image 41
Django Doctor Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 10:09

Django Doctor