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Check if first-time user of my App in Android




In my App, first it shows a splash screen. After that another activity, then my main activity must be shown. This is my design plan. The second activity (i.e before main activity) must be shown for the first-time user of the app. If he/she closes the app, splash screen will redirect to main activity automatically. How do I do this? Any ideas? I am developing my app for Android phones.

like image 964
Praveen Avatar asked Apr 09 '10 14:04


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1 Answers

You can e.g. use a sharedPreference-object to store a boolean value that tells you if this is the first time the user opens the application. Check the preference when the user starts the application, and if it returns true then show the middle screen.

private SharedPreferences mPreferences;
boolean firstTime = mPreferences.getBoolean("firstTime", true);
if (firstTime) { 
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mPreferences.edit();
    editor.putBoolean("firstTime", false);

Something like that.

Edit: Beaten to it by jqpubliq...

like image 173
aspartame Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 06:10
