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Check if element is in view with React [duplicate]

Please do not mark as duplicate. It is similar to other questions, but different, because I'm asking where to put the code, not how to write.

I have this code, and want to detect which section is in view:

export default class Home extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <div className="col_first">
                    <Scrollspy id="menu_section"
                               items={['section_1', 'section_2', 'section_3', 'section_4', 'section_5']}
                               currentClassName="is-current" className="c_nav_menu" style={{marginTop: 100}}>
                        <li className="c_nav_menu_item"><a href="#section_1">1</a></li>
                        <li className="c_nav_menu_item"><a href="#section_2">2</a></li>
                        <li className="c_nav_menu_item"><a href="#section_3">3</a></li>
                        <li className="c_nav_menu_item"><a href="#section_4">4</a></li>
                        <li className="c_nav_menu_item"><a href="#section_5">5</a></li>

                        <li className="lines_between_1"></li>
                        <li className="lines_between_2"></li>
                        <li className="lines_between_3"></li>
                        <li className="lines_between_4"></li>
                <section className="row bg_double">
                    <div className="col-lg-1">
                    <div className="col-lg-11  s_anim">
                        <div className="full_screen" id="section_1">
                            <div className="row full_size">
                                <div className="col-lg-12 center_in_s1">
                                    <h1 className="text_s1 gradient_text">ZdajTo</h1>
                                    <p>korepetycje on-line</p>
                            <div className="icon_border_round">
                                <a href="#section_2"><img src={"/assets/images/ic_arrow_down_gradient.png"}/></a>

                        <div className="full_screen" id="section_2">
                            <div className="row full_size">
                                <div className="col-lg-6 center_in">
                                    <h1> elo elo 320 </h1>
                                <div className="col-lg-6 center_in">
                                    <h1>Przykładowy tekst</h1>
                            <div className="icon_border_round">
                                <a href="#section_3"><img src={"/assets/images/ic_arrow_down_gradient.png"}/></a>

                        <div className="full_screen" id="section_3">
                            <div className="row full_size">
                                <div className="col-lg-6 center_in">
                                    <h1> elo elo 320 </h1>
                                <div className="col-lg-6 center_in">
                                    <h1>Przykładowy tekst</h1>
                            <div className="icon_border_round">
                                <a href="#section_4"><img src={"/assets/images/ic_arrow_down_gradient.png"}/></a>

                        <div className="full_screen" id="section_4">
                            <div className="row full_size">
                                <div className="col-lg-6 center_in">
                                    <h1> elo elo 320 </h1>
                                <div className="col-lg-6 center_in">
                                    <h1>Przykładowy tekst</h1>

                            <div className="icon_border_round">
                                <a href="#section_5"><img src={"/assets/images/ic_arrow_down_gradient.png"}/></a>


                        <div className="full_screen" id="section_5">
                            <div className="row full_size">
                                <div className="col-lg-6 center_in">
                                    <h1> elo elo 320 </h1>
                                <div className="col-lg-6 center_in">
                                    <h1>Przykładowy tekst</h1>

                            <div className="icon_border_round">
                                <a href="#section_1"><img src={"/assets/images/ic_arrow_up_gradient.png"}/></a>

I more or less know how to do it.

I found this question: Check if element is visible on screen

It has a great answer, which points to this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/t2L274ty/1/

Code from the answer

window.onscroll = function() {
  wrapper.style.backgroundColor = checkVisible(tester) ? '#4f4' : '#f44';

function checkVisible(elm) {
  var rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
  var viewHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight);
  return !(rect.bottom < 0 || rect.top - viewHeight >= 0);

So my question is where should I put this kind of code? In componentDidMount() or maybe render()? What would be the React way of doing things?

like image 225
Alex Ironside Avatar asked Jun 12 '18 12:06

Alex Ironside

1 Answers

You would put your event code in componentDidMount and also componentWillUnmount.

componentDidMount() {
   window.addEventListener('scroll', this.onWindowScroll);

componentWillUnmount() {
  window.removeEventListener('scroll, this.onWindowScroll);

onWindowScroll = debounce(() => { // assuming you're using https://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/transform-class-properties/
  console.log('Debounced scroll event');
}, 100)

If you want to only listen to the scroll event once and you have multiple of these components you can be a bit more clever about it but not sure of your use case.

like image 181
Dominic Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10
