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Check if array B is a permutation of A

I tried to find a solution to this but couldn't get much out of my head.

We are given two unsorted integer arrays A and B. We have to check whether array B is a permutation of A. How can this be done.? Even XORing the numbers wont work as there can be several counterexamples which have same XOR value bt are not permutation of each other.

A solution needs to be O(n) time and with space O(1)

Any help is welcome!! Thanks.

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akaHuman Avatar asked May 17 '12 16:05


People also ask

How do you check if 2 arrays are permutations of each other?

Similarly, traverse the second array B, add and multiply all the elements and store them in variables as Sum2 and Mul2 respectively. Now, compare both sum1, sum2 and mul1, mul2. If Sum1 == Sum2 and Mul1 == Mul2, then both arrays are permutations of each other, else not.

How do you do permutations of an array?

You take first element of an array (k=0) and exchange it with any element (i) of the array. Then you recursively apply permutation on array starting with second element. This way you get all permutations starting with i-th element.

How many permutations does an array have?

The number of permutations is n! (= n * (n - 1) * … 2 * 1). This represents the number of different orderings of your array (you first pick one number, so you have 5 choices; after that 4 remain, so you now have 4 choices, and so on).

3 Answers

The question is theoretical but you can do it in O(n) time and o(1) space. Allocate an array of 232 counters and set them all to zero. This is O(1) step because the array has constant size. Then iterate through the two arrays. For array A, increment the counters corresponding to the integers read. For array B, decrement them. If you run into a negative counter value during iteration of array B, stop --- the arrays are not permutations of each others. Otherwise at the end (assuming A and B have the same size, a prerequisite) the counter array is all zero and the two arrays are permutations of each other.

This is O(1) space and O(n) time solution. However it is not practical, but would easily pass as a solution to the interview question. At least it should.

More obscure solutions

  • Using a nondeterministic model of computation, checking that the two arrays are not permutations of each others can be done in O(1) space, O(n) time by guessing an element that has differing count on the two arrays, and then counting the instances of that element on both of the arrays.

  • In randomized model of computation, construct a random commutative hash function and calculate the hash values for the two arrays. If the hash values differ, the arrays are not permutations of each others. Otherwise they might be. Repeat many times to bring the probability of error below desired threshold. Also on O(1) space O(n) time approach, but randomized.

  • In parallel computation model, let 'n' be the size of the input array. Allocate 'n' threads. Every thread i = 1 .. n reads the ith number from the first array; let that be x. Then the same thread counts the number of occurrences of x in the first array, and then check for the same count on the second array. Every single thread uses O(1) space and O(n) time.

  • Interpret an integer array [ a1, ..., an ] as polynomial xa1 + xa2 + ... + xan where x is a free variable and the check numerically for the equivalence of the two polynomials obtained. Use floating point arithmetics for O(1) space and O(n) time operation. Not an exact method because of rounding errors and because numerical checking for equivalence is probabilistic. Alternatively, interpret the polynomial over integers modulo a prime number, and perform the same probabilistic check.

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Antti Huima Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 23:09

Antti Huima

If we are allowed to freely access a large list of primes, you can solve this problem by leveraging properties of prime factorization.

For both arrays, calculate the product of Prime[i] for each integer i, where Prime[i] is the ith prime number. The value of the products of the arrays are equal iff they are permutations of one another.

Prime factorization helps here for two reasons.

  1. Multiplication is transitive, and so the ordering of the operands to calculate the product is irrelevant. (Some alluded to the fact that if the arrays were sorted, this problem would be trivial. By multiplying, we are implicitly sorting.)
  2. Prime numbers multiply losslessly. If we are given a number and told it is the product of only prime numbers, we can calculate exactly which prime numbers were fed into it and exactly how many.


a = 1,1,3,4
b = 4,1,3,1
Product of ith primes in a = 2 * 2 * 5 * 7 = 140
Product of ith primes in b = 7 * 2 * 5 * 2 = 140

That said, we probably aren't allowed access to a list of primes, but this seems a good solution otherwise, so I thought I'd post it.

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cheeken Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10


I apologize for posting this as an answer as it should really be a comment on antti.huima's answer, but I don't have the reputation yet to comment.

The size of the counter array seems to be O(log(n)) as it is dependent on the number of instances of a given value in the input array.

For example, let the input array A be all 1's with a length of (2^32) + 1. This will require a counter of size 33 bits to encode (which, in practice, would double the size of the array, but let's stay with theory). Double the size of A (still all 1 values) and you need 65 bits for each counter, and so on.

This is a very nit-picky argument, but these interview questions tend to be very nit-picky.

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beaker Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10
