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Check if an image is loaded in jQuery (or plain JavaScript)

I know there's a load() event in jQuery which is triggered when the image has finished loading. But what if the event handler is attached after the image has finished loading?

Is there a property like $('#myimage').isLoaded() to check if the image is already loaded?

like image 484
laurent Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 00:12


1 Answers

You can check the complete property of the image.

Is there a property like $('#myimage').isLoaded() to check if the image is already loaded?

Nope, but you could make it so :)

jQuery.fn.isLoaded = function() {
    return this
             .filter(function() { return this.complete; }).length > 0;

This would produce true if all images in the collection have been loaded, and false if one or more images were not. You could adapt it to suit your needs.

like image 135
alex Avatar answered Feb 07 '23 12:02
