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Check if all items have the same class




I built a FAQ page with the option to hide and show the content underneath each question. I have a "Expand all" functionality that let the user display all the questions onclick. When a question is expanded it gets a class of "selected".

I am trying to change the "Expand All" status when all questions (LIs) are expanded.

How can I check that all the LI have the CLASS "selected" at the same time?

I use the EACH method to get the LIs and their CLASS.

Thanks in advance

like image 968
John Avatar asked Sep 20 '11 12:09


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2 Answers

You can probably count the list items with selected class against all list items:

if ($("#questions li.selected").length == $("#questions li").length) {
    // all list items are selected

#questions is the element that contains your list and of course it might be different in your code, but you should get the idea.

like image 109
Xion Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10



Would give you the number of <li>s that do not have the 'selected' class. If this figure was zero you could run your logic.

like image 42
ipr101 Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10
