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Check if a table column exists in the database using SQLAlchemy and Alembic

I'm using Alembic as migration tool and I'm launching the following pseudo script on an already updated database (no revision entries for Alembic, the database schema is just up to date).

revision = '1067fd2d11c8'
down_revision = None

from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa

def upgrade():
    op.add_column('box', sa.Column('has_data', sa.Boolean, server_default='0'))

def downgrade():

It gives me the following error only with PostgreSQL behind (it's all good with MySQL):

INFO  [alembic.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO  [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
INFO  [root] (ProgrammingError) ERREUR:  la colonne « has_data » de la relation « box » existe déjà

Last line means the column has_data already exists.

I want to check that the column exists before op.add_column.

like image 745
ScotchAndSoda Avatar asked Jun 06 '14 13:06


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create_all() function to create the tables that are associated with your models. In this case you only have one model, which means that the function call will only create one table in your database: from app import db, Student.

What is SQLAlchemy alembic?

Alembic is the migration tool we use with SQLAlchemy. Alembic provides us with a simple way to create and drop tables, and add, remove, and alter columns. Fork and clone this repository and we'll walk through writing Alembic migrations together. To install Alembic, run pip install alembic in your terminal.

2 Answers

The easiest answer is not to try to do this. Instead, make your Alembic migrations represent the full layout of the database. Then any migrations you make will be based off the changes to the existing database.

To make a starting migration if you already have a database, temporarily point at an empty database and run alembic revision --autogenerate -m "base". Then, point back at the actual database and run alembic stamp head to say that the current state of the database is represented by the latest migration, without actually running it.

If you don't want to do that for some reason, you can choose not to use --autogenerate and instead generate empty revisions that you fill in with the operations you want. Alembic won't stop you from doing this, it's just much less convenient.

like image 159
davidism Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10


I am, unfortunately, in a situation where we have multiple versions with different schemas that all need to migrate to a single codebase. There are no migrations anywhere yet and no versions tagged in any db. So the first migration will have these conditional checks. After the first migration, everything will be in a known state and I can avoid such hacks.

So I added this in my migration (credit belongs to http://www.derstappen-it.de/tech-blog/sqlalchemie-alembic-check-if-table-has-column):

from alembic import op
from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config
from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection

def _table_has_column(table, column):
    config = op.get_context().config
    engine = engine_from_config(
        config.get_section(config.config_ini_section), prefix='sqlalchemy.')
    insp = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine)
    has_column = False
    for col in insp.get_columns(table):
        if column not in col['name']:
        has_column = True
    return has_column

My upgrade function has the following checks (note that I have a batch flag set that adds the with op.batch_alter_table line, which probably isn't in most setups:

def upgrade():
    # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
    with op.batch_alter_table('mytable', schema=None) as batch_op:
        if not _table_has_column('mytable', 'mycol'):
            batch_op.add_column(sa.Column('mycol', sa.Integer(), nullable=True))
        if not _table_has_column('mytable', 'mycol2'):
            batch_op.add_column(sa.Column('mycol2', sa.Integer(), nullable=True))
like image 24
Charles L. Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10

Charles L.