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Check for existence of parameter in function



I have a function as follows:

function T {     Param     (         [switch] $IsValueNameRegularExpression     )      .. } 

Normally to determine if a parameter exists you would do if ($Param), only seeing as this is a [switch], if the function is called as T -IsValueNameRegularExpression:$false will return false on if ($IsValueNameRegularExpression), even though the parameter exists - i.e., the caller specified a value to the optional parameter.

If I change the parameter type from [switch] to [bool] the same thing will happen, obviously.

In the code for my function I call some .NET methods which contain a default setting for my [bool]`[switch]` parameters, so unless the user has specified a value (be it true or false) I don't want to pass it to the .NET method.

I could assign default values to the parameter to match those of the default value of the .NET method, but that would be assuming that the default value of the .NET method never changes, which might not be true ...

So, is there a more elegant way of doing this?

like image 592
cogumel0 Avatar asked Aug 15 '14 12:08


People also ask

How do you check if a function has a parameter?

To check if a parameter is provided to a function, use the typeof operator to check if the parameter is not equal to the string "undefined" , e.g. if (typeof param !== 'undefined') . If the condition is met, the parameter was provided to the function.

How do you check if a function is a parameter in Python?

You can use inspect. getargspec() to see what arguments are accepted, and any default values for keyword arguments. inspect. getargspec() should be considered deprecated in Python 3.

Where function parameters are stored?

Parameter values to functions are stored on the stack as well, pushed immediately before the return address. Everything what lives on the stack (local variables, parameters etc.) can live in registers as well. That's why the C standard doesn't state explicitly what to store where.

What is a parameter in a function example?

For example, if one defines a function as def f(x): ... , then x is the parameter, and if it is called by a = ...; f(a) then a is the argument. A parameter is an (unbound) variable, while the argument can be a literal or variable or more complex expression involving literals and variables.

2 Answers

Use $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey() in order to check for a parameter presence:

function T {     Param     (         [switch] $IsValueNameRegularExpression     )      $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsValueNameRegularExpression') }  T T -IsValueNameRegularExpression T -IsValueNameRegularExpression:$false 


False True True 
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Roman Kuzmin Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 20:11

Roman Kuzmin

An easier (and more accurate way) is to use the IsPresent property. Using roughly the same code:

function T {     Param (         [switch] $IsValueNameRegularExpression     )     $IsValueNameRegularExpression.IsPresent }  T T -IsValueNameRegularExpression T -IsValueNameRegularExpression:$false 

yields the following output:

False True False 

Note that binding the switch to false makes it "not present"

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Flydog57 Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 21:11
