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Charts Do Not Automatically Update When Data Changes

Hopefully this is an easy one. I have a series of charts in MS Excel that point to data on the same worksheet. The data on the worksheet is calculated using a VBA function. When the data is updated by the VBA function the new numbers are not reflected in the charts that are pointing to them. I tried calling Application.Calculate, but that didn't do the trick. Any thoughts?


I was able to duplicate this issue on a much smaller scale. Here's how:

  • Create a new workbook
  • Rename Sheet 1 to "Summary"
  • Rename Sheet 2 to "Data"
  • Open the Summary sheet in the VBA editor and paste the following code:

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
       If Target.Parent.Range("worksheetDate") = Target Then
       End If
    End Sub
  • Create a new VBA module

  • Paste the following code into the new VBA module (I apologize - I can't get Stack Overflow to format this correctly for the life of me - this is the best I could get it to do):

     Function getWeekValue (weekNumber As Integer, valuesRange As Range) As Integer   
     Dim aCell As Range  
     Dim currentDate As Date  
     Dim arrayIndex As Integer  
     Dim weekValues(1 To 6) As Integer  
     currentDate = ThisWorkbook.Names("worksheetDate").RefersToRange.Value
     arrayIndex = 1  
     For Each aCell In valuesRange 
         If month(currentDate) = month(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Cells( _  
                                       aCell.Row - 1, aCell.Column)) Then
             weekValues(arrayIndex) = aCell.Value 
             arrayIndex = arrayIndex + 1 
         End If 
     getWeekValue = weekValues(weekNumber)   
     End Function  


  • Modify the Data worksheet to match the following image:

alt text

  • Select Cell B1 and name the range "worksheetDate"
  • Duplicate rows 1 through 3 in the following image:

alt text

  • In row 4, under the "Week X" headers, enter the following formula


 = getWeekValue(1, Data!$A$2:$M$2)

incrementing the first argument to the getWeekValue function by one for each week (e.g., pass 1 for Week 1, 2 for Week 2, 3, for Week 3, etc.

  • Create a bar graph using cells A3 through E4 as the data
  • Change the date in cell B2 to a date between 10/1/2010 and 12/31/2010, choosing a month other than the month that is currently in the cell. For example, if the date is 12/11/2010, change it to something like 11/11/2010 or 10/11/2010. Note that both the data and chart update correctly.
  • Modify the date in cell B2 gain. Note that the data updates, but the chart does not.

Oddly, after a period of time (several minutes) has elapsed, the chart finally updates. I'm not sure if this is because I have been performing other activities that triggered the update or because Excel is triggering an update after several minutes.

like image 801
Adam Avatar asked Dec 16 '10 22:12


1 Answers

Just figured out the solution to this issue as I was suffering from the same.

I've just added "DoEvents()" prior to printing or exporting and the chart got refreshed.


Sub a()
   Dim w As Worksheet
   Dim a
   Set w = Worksheets(1)

   For Each a In w.Range("a1:a5")
     a.Value = a.Value + 1


End Sub  
like image 173
Ageel Al-Shayeb Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Ageel Al-Shayeb