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chart.js barchart without set fill color

This is my first time using Chart.js and I want to create bar chart with multiple series. Based on documentation we have to specify fillColor for each dataset. Is that possible to create multiple chart without set fillColor (like barchart in excel).

like image 818
oki Avatar asked Jul 08 '14 04:07


People also ask

How do you fill a bar chart with different colors?

In a chart, click to select the data series for which you want to change the colors. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click Format Selection. tab, expand Fill, and then do one of the following: To vary the colors of data markers in a single-series chart, select the Vary colors by point check box.

Why do we use Barcharts?

Bar graphs are an extremely effective visual to use in presentations and reports. They are popular because they allow the reader to recognize patterns or trends far more easily than looking at a table of numerical data.

1 Answers

fillColor uses rgba. a = alpha. you can set alpha value to 0. such as

fillColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0)"

this should give it a transparent fill color and still display the border colors assuming you have them not transparent.

like image 76
w1n78 Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 06:10
