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ChartJs 2.0 How do I obtain point information being clicked upon?



How do you configure ChartJS version 2.0 to upon clicking on a point on a radar chart provide the data associated with that point i.e. label, data value, dataset name. I read on https://github.com/nnnick/Chart.js/releases that version 2.0 provides:

New event hooks like onHover and onClick do the hard work for you. They pass you the good stuff without even having to locate via event

Could someone please show me what I need to do I have read the documentation and tried attaching to the various click and onClick events which the different objects support but can not work out how to achieve getting the associated data.

Sample code (simplified) which I am using is:


    <script type="text/javascript">
      var config = {
      type: 'radar',
      data: {
      labels: ["Total IOPs","Total Num. Execs","Total Worker Time Seconds","Total  Physical Reads","Total Logical Writes","Total Logical Reads","Total Elapsed Time (s)","Longest Running Time (s)","Avg. IOPs per call","Avg. Elapsed Time (ms)","Avg. Num. Execs per Sproc","Avg IOPS per sproc"],
      label: "DB1",
      fillColor: "rgba(212, 212, 106, 0.2)",
      strokeColor: "rgba(212, 212, 106, 1)",
      pointColor: "rgba(212, 212, 106, 1)",
      pointStrokeColor: "#fff)",
      pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
      pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(212, 212, 106, 1)",
      label: "DB2",
      fillColor: "rgba(165, 198, 99, 0.2)",
      strokeColor: "rgba(165, 198, 99, 1)",
      pointColor: "rgba(165, 198, 99, 1)",
      pointStrokeColor: "#fff)",
      pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
      pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(165, 198, 99, 1)",
      data: [41.7446840202287,46.5744067420714,100,79.3727756793507,20.5131426518999,41.747519880759,100,100,89.6330850100954,100,100,16.5613115389214]

     $(function () {
            var myRadar = new Chart(document.getElementById("myChart"), config);
         //how do I attach to the onclick event which gives me the point info being clicked on in chartjs 2.0?


<div class="radarChart">
     <canvas id="myChart" width="700" height="700"></canvas>

Many thanks in advance.

like image 452
SqlDataMiner Avatar asked Sep 15 '15 09:09


1 Answers

You should be able to use the getElementsAtEvent method, like so

document.getElementById("myChart").onclick = function(evt){
    var activePoints = myRadar.getElementsAtEvent(evt);
    // use _datasetIndex and _index from each element of the activePoints array

Fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/uwaszvk7/

like image 134
potatopeelings Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10
