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Charles Proxy SSL Certificate not working

I want to modify the website www.moviestarplanet.com. The site got https secured 2-3 weeks ago and i could not use charles anymore.. I've tried so much,but everytime it comes: unknown.

Could anyone help me? Instead of unknown there should be: Gateway. I already installed the certificate.. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

enter image description here

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NiMe Avatar asked Dec 19 '16 18:12


People also ask

How do I install Charles certificate on Chrome?

On your phone use the file manager app and, Go to Settings > Security > Install from storage. Locate your certificate file and install it.

How do I install Charles certificate on my Iphone?

iOS devices If you are on iOS 10.3 or later, open the Settings. app and navigate to General > About > Certificate Trust Settings, and find the Charles Proxy certificate, and switch it on to enable full trust for it (More information about this change in iOS 10).

How do I trust Charles certificate in Windows?

In Charles go to the Help menu and choose "SSL Proxying > Install Charles Root Certificate". Keychain Access will open. Find the "Charles Proxy..." entry, and double-click to get info on it. Expand the "Trust" section, and besides "When using this certificate" change it from "Use System Defaults" to "Always Trust".

3 Answers

There is no clear information on whether this problem is with iOS or Mac.

Mauricio has explained how to solve this problem on Mac.

Let me take the liberty of how to fix this problem in iOS.

So basically there is a SSL trust issue that's happening on device that's why the request is not succeeding and you are getting the network connection failure

If you load the site on non-safari browsers such as Chrome you'll have a option to add an SSL exception for this particular site and proceed.

To fix the problem for once and all follow the below steps

enter image description here

Starting from iOS 10.3 SSL trust for the certificate has to be turned on manually for the manually installed certificate profiles in iOS so go to Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings. Under Enable full trust for root certificates turn on trust for the certificate

Here is the link to apple documentation

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Durai Amuthan.H Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 23:11

Durai Amuthan.H

I've been dealing with exactly the same, in my case it resolved by installing Charles Proxy's CA.

As explained in the documentation, in order to view ssl communications as plain text, instead of your browser seeing the server’s certificate, Charles dynamically generates a certificate for the server and signs it with its own root certificate (the Charles CA Certificate). Charles receives the server’s certificate, while your browser receives Charles’s certificate.

So you need to install Charles as CA to set it as trusted. The way to install it varies between browsers and operating systems.

Here I'm quoting what I guess are the most used cofigs:

Windows / Internet Explorer

In Charles go to the Help menu and choose "SSL Proxying > Install Charles Root Certificate". A window will appear warning you that the CA Root certificate is not trusted. Click the "Install Certificate" button to launch the Certificate Import Wizard. The certificate must be imported into the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" certificate store, so override the automatic certificate store selection. Complete the wizard and your Charles Root Certificate is now installed. You may need to restart IE before the installation takes affect.

Mozilla Firefox

After installing the Charles Add-on for Mozilla, go to the Tools menu, the Charles submenu, and choose the "Install Charles Root Certificate" option. You will be presented with a certificate import dialog. Tick the option "Trust this CA to identify websites" and complete the import.

Mac OS X

In Charles go to the Help menu and choose "SSL Proxying > Install Charles Root Certificate". Keychain Access will open, and prompt you about the certificate. Click the "Always Trust" button. You will then be prompted for your Administrator password to update the system trust settings. You may need to quit and reopen Safari to see the change.

You can see all the available configurations in Charles ssl documentation.

Remember that after installing the certs it's important to restart your browser. This made the difference in my case.

Hope it helps.

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Mauricio Mora Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 00:11

Mauricio Mora

I case you don't get the prompt for trusting the certificate (which means it stays untrusted ...) when installing it on OSX, you need to trust it manually in the keychain: Open the Keychain, search the Charles certificate, double click it, then choose Always trust for When using this certificate.

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TheEye Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 23:11
