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Charles Proxy Response unreadable

Recently I want to use Charles to help me debug my web code. However, when I logged out response, it was unreadable. How could I deal with that? I need to see those actual text in response.

Unreadable code in response

like image 424
liyansong Avatar asked Oct 24 '15 19:10


People also ask

How do I view Charles logs?

Open Charles Proxy, if it is not already open. Open your mobile device's browser and navigate to a site. Grant access when prompted that a device is trying to connect to your network. You should now see your mobile device's traffic in your Charles Sequence log.

How do I check my Charles response?

Open safari and go to chls.pro/ssl and install it. Then on the device go to settings->general->about->Certificate Thrust settings and enable the certificate. Then enable SSL proxy in Charles by going to Proxy tab->SSL proxy and voila. Finally solved it after doing this.

Why is the response text unreadable in SSL proxying?

If the response text is unreadable, it means that the SSL Proxying doesn't set up properly. Check the following steps to fix it: Help Menu -> SSL Proxying -> Install Charles Root Certificate

How to enable SSL proxy in Charles?

Then on the device go to settings->general->about->Certificate Thrust settings and enable the certificate. Then enable SSL proxy in Charles by going to Proxy tab->SSL proxy and voila. Finally solved it after doing this. Thanks!

What is a request and response in Charles?

Requests & Responses A request and its response is the basic element recorded in Charles. HTTP/HTTPS consists of request-response pairs: the request from your computer to the server and the response from the server. For generic sockets the request-response consists of the entire contents of the inbound and outbound streams.

What is rewrite tool in Charles?

Rewrite Tool. The Rewrite tool enables you to create rules that modify requests and responses as they pass through Charles. Rules such as adding or changing a header or search and replace some text in the response body. Rewrite sets can be individually activated and deactivated.

2 Answers

Simple enable ssl proxying on right click for specific url:

enter image description here

like image 74
Bartłomiej Semańczyk Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10

Bartłomiej Semańczyk

Steps in this video helped me to solve this problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tPvZjHPSC8

Basically you need to download a certificate to your device(simulator). Open safari and go to chls.pro/ssl and install it. Then on the device go to settings->general->about->Certificate Thrust settings and enable the certificate. Then enable SSL proxy in Charles by going to Proxy tab->SSL proxy and voila.

like image 43
macL0vin Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10
